Write a brief commentary( 2-3 paragraphs) describing the concept of Mise-en-Scene. You may indicate the components of Mise-en Scene and provide examples of them from the film clips seen in class. Also, you may describe the different alternatives or choices that the film director has in relation to "staging the action."
Mise-en-Scene is the concept of designing the stage or in movies the filmmakers have a choice of making the scene consist of displaying the characters, props,costumes and the different lighting or "telling the story"/narration.
ReplyDeleteAn example would be the types of clothes the characters wore at the beginning of Close Encounters of The Third Kind when they were in the desert during the desert storm. everyone was in a hurry trying to figure out why the missing plane suddenly showed up and testing whether or not it still worked. Some had toilet or cloths over their mouths to help them breathe with hoods over their heads. They also set up tents over their equipment which could serve as both props and costumes. The filmmakers wanted to emphasize the extreme situation they were in.
Another example could be the scene from New Jack City. There were different close up shots of the character's shoes and facial expressions. Not only that, but of street signs and roads to emphasize the type of lifestyle the Antagonists grew up on. The bag of money was the prop and conflict of the entire scene we saw in class.
Mis-en-scene simply means to put in to scene it For film, it has a broader meaning, and refers to almost everything that goes into the composition of the shot, including the composition itself: framing, movement of the camera and characters, lighting, set design and gen eral visual environment, even sound as it helps elaborate the composition. Mise-en-scène can be defined as the articulation of cinematic space, and it is precisely space that it is about. Cutting is about time; the shot is about what occurs in a defined area of space, bordered by the frame of the movie screen and determined by what the camera has been made to record.
ReplyDeleteAn example whould be in BAPS In the begging of the movie they are in a urban community (ghetto)
then they fly to hollywood and the scenery changes to pratray to glamour life with big lights bright lights while in the urban community the lights are more dim.
Another example is in players club she is a college student by day and astripper by night. During the day she dress how the director thought college students dressed and and night she wore provacative clothing
Mise-en-Scene in film means to "put on stage", "put into the scene", or "staging an action" and referred to the design and direction of the entire production. The elements of mise-en-scene are setting, lighting, costume, and behavior of figure.Settings play an important role in film more than theater.
ReplyDeleteSettings, such as props, play an important role in film also. In such movies like "Marnie", by Alfred Hitchcock, that we've seen in class used the yellow bag as a prop that played a significant part in the movie. The yellow bad stuck out among the rest of the setting seeing that it was a warm color versus the set, which was cool colors, showing how important the bag was and how the color was significant. The bag's relevance was that it had the money in it that the female had stolen. Later on in the movie the same woman that had the bag got rid of the yellow bag and was no longer a dark hair woman and was now blond. Then at one point the woman spilled some red ink which reminded her of some bad times in her life.
Or like in the film "Raging Bull" the director made the film in black and white to show how dramatic and the feeling into the movie. It was shot in black and white so that the audience would focus more on the character and their role than the actual scene or setting.
Mise-en-Scene in film means to "put into scene", or bringing together the setting, lighting, costume and behavior of characters to create one production. In creating Mise-en-Scene, all these components make a difference. The props, setting, lighting, camera movements and angles, and colors that may be in the film all make a difference andcreate Mise-en-Scene.
ReplyDeleteAn example of the setting component would be a prop used in a movie. Sometimes props may become motifs, which is a element that repeats itself in the film and has a important meaning. An example of a motif in a film is the shower curtain that we saw in the movie Psycho. It is a prop that became a motif because it ended up being seen more than once and had a special meaning the the narrative.
When dealing with "staging the action" the director must deal with making sure the screen space, the scene space and the depth cues are on track. He must make choices dealing with these components of staging the action.
Mise-en-Scene means putting into scene. This has four spects which icludes the setting, lighting, costume, and behavior of figures. The notions of realism may vary across cultures over time and even among individuals.
ReplyDeleteAn exampls for one of the aspects is a prop that can become a motif for a film. This motif has a significance in the film which may continue to show up through out the film. The movie "Marnie" shows the purpose of the certain items being yellow and even the reaction of the color red when the ink spilled on her blouse.
When making a film, the director will make the choice of the film being in either black and white or in color. This all depends on how dramatic the director wants for it to be.
Niema G.
Putting the action into scene is better known as Mise-en-scene. Four important parts of Mise-en-scene include setting, props, costume, as well as lighting. All of these will definitely enhance or hinder your final production.
ReplyDeleteFor example in the film "Raising Arizona" the diapers were a major part of how the drama began. How he went from being a regular man to a robber, back to a regular man, all to get his child some diapers. Diapers being the prop, the stocking on his head to costume him as a robber, as well as the lighting to make you feel the setting.
Color has a lot to do with how the producer wants the film to be perceived. Black and white could be known as dramatic, old times, or for you to be focused on the characters. "Raging Bull" is a particular film that was shot in black and white because the producer wanted people to focus on the characters instead of the setting.
Mise-en-Scene in film means to put on stage, put into the scene, or staging an action. Mise-en-Scence emphasize on the shot and the cut, with the editing of putting two shots together it affects not only how a film's narrative is structured but also how the shots are understood by the viewers. Color schemes, camera angles, and music are more key elements of mise-en-scence especially music because music makes it more visual with the scene which can capture the audience’s attention.
ReplyDeleteI forgot the name of the film we watched on last Wednesday but it was black and white with two little white kids riding on a boat to a barn. In that scence the music and the black and white setting gave me a idea that it is an older film. Another scence from the same film when they got whoop as soon as they got out the boat for coming home late even though the film was black and white the director still showed how it turned from one day to the next day.
Last week in our criticism of film class we discussed mise-en-scene, which is simply defined as putting in to scene. The term originally came from the French and was referring to theatre. When referring to film it is a little more complex. Mise-en-scene In film means everything and anything that helps compose the shot. It refers to the angles you may shoot, the clothes the actor may be wearing and even the set. Mise-en-scene gives the audience a sense of realism or a certain feeling by catering to their sense of sight and hearing.
ReplyDeleteOne of the films we observed was a black and white film starring a woman who appeared to be some sort of "DIVA" . In the film the spot light was only on her the shadows and music were all there going us imagery of how glamourous the woman was suppose to be. Another film we watched featured a band performing a song. The video was filled with jump shots bright colors and loud sound effects giving the audience a feeling as if they were at a concert or party.
In film production, it is important for all of the elements to cohesively work together in order to strength the intensity of the film. This technique is the Mise en scene, meaning to “put in the scene.” The operandi of the director is not to simply tell a story or plot, but to tap into the subconscious of the audience in order to: entertain, provoke, challenge or inform. This is done because of the way the story is put into scene. Have you ever wondered why the director used particular lighting in a certain scene? Or why certain colors or props are used repeatedly? These are all elements of the Mise en scene (putting the plot of the film into a scene). The elements of the Mise en scene include lighting, set, props, action, costume, and performance. Without these elements the vision of the director, producer, screen/ script writer, and editor will not be created. Therefore, it is important to make sure the elements are placed accordingly to each scene. For example, Alfred Hitchcock’s “Psycho” relies heavily on lighting and symbolism to add depth and suspense to the plot and the action of the film. Although the film is shot in black and white, Hitchcock relies on shadows, like the shadow of the knife in the infamous shower scene to build suspense and this was accomplished through the mise en scene of high and low key lighting. When a film has all the elements properly placed in a scene this captures the audience and makes for great film.
DeleteIn film production, it is important for all of the elements to cohesively work together in order to strength the intensity of the film. This technique is the Mise en scene, meaning to “put in the scene.” The operandi of the director is not to simply tell a story or plot, but to tap into the subconscious of the audience in order to: entertain, provoke, challenge or inform. This is done because of the way the story is put into scene. Have you ever wondered why the director used particular lighting in a certain scene? Or why certain colors or props are used repeatedly? These are all elements of the Mise en scene (putting the plot of the film into a scene). The elements of the Mise en scene include lighting, set, props, action, costume, and performance. Without these elements the vision of the director, producer, screen/ script writer, and editor will not be created. Therefore, it is important to make sure the elements are placed accordingly to each scene. For example, Alfred Hitchcock’s “Psycho” relies heavily on lighting and symbolism to add depth and suspense to the plot and the action of the film. Although the film is shot in black and white, Hitchcock relies on shadows, like the shadow of the knife in the infamous shower scene to build suspense and this was accomplished through the mise en scene of high and low key lighting. When a film has all the elements properly placed in a scene this captures the audience and makes for great film.
DeleteMise-en-Scene is a French term used in directing plays, meaning “Putting into the scene”. This word indicates the different aspects taking place behind the scenes that the director puts into the film; these aspects include: lighting, setting, costumes, and makeup. One concept of Mise-en-scene is Realism; realism is significant not only to the director but to the audience. By resembling reality, the director can furthermore connect with his or her audiences. Mise-en-scene is the stage where the director is creating the platform for the film.
ReplyDeleteSetting, lighting, costume and makeup are the four different components in Mise-en-scene. The most important component is setting, which is the location of which the film is taking place: the director basis the setting for us as viewers to interpret the story’s plot better. The second element is lighting, which illuminates the images being filmed. Lighter shot frames tend to draw the audience’s attention to certain objects, while darker shot frames tend to create a general composition. In a film directed by Hitchcock called “The night of the hunter”, it was filmed in black and white. Darker shots of the film were shot to represent night time, and at the times the shadows were casted by buildings. Textures are also expressed through a form of lighting called highlights. Lastly, is costume and makeup, which brings the characters to life. For example in different thrillers, characters undergo costumes or excessive makeup to help make that scary character realistic.
Mise-en-scene is French which means putting into scene. It consists of four parts setting, lighting, costume, and behavior of figures. The focus of mise-en-scene is to get the most out of a film. Use lighting to get the best composition of each shot. Costumes play a role in film cause they add to the character’s role making the characters and the shots seem more provocative.
ReplyDeleteWe watched a clip from the movie “Marnie” by Alfred Hitchcock. In the clip, the focus was on the costume. Because the lady in yellow stood out while everyone else were in dark colors the lady in yellow stood out. Also we watched a clip from “Raging Bull” by Martin Scorsese and the whole film was filmed in black and white because Scorsese felt that the black and white brought out more emotion from the character.
Mise-en-Scene in film means to "put on stage", "put into the scene", or "staging an action" and referred to the design and direction of the entire production. The elements of mise-en-scene are setting, lighting, costume, and behavior of figure.Settings play an important role in film more than theater.
ReplyDeleteAn example of the setting component would be a prop used in a movie. Sometimes props may become motifs, which is a element that repeats itself in the film and has a important meaning. An example of a motif in a film is the shower curtain that we saw in the movie Psycho. It is a prop that became a motif because it ended up being seen more than once and had a special meaning the the narrative.
Mise-en-Scene is a term derived the French language meaning, "Putting into the scene." The elements of mise-en-scene compose of many different aspects such as; setting, lighting, costume, and the behavior of the figures. So in order to create the perfect mise-en-scene effect, it will require a vast amount of planning.
ReplyDeleteSome movies that great examples of mise-en-scene are Psycho by Alfred Hitchcock. The shower curtain that he used became important factor of the scene, instead of just an ordinary item in the bathroom. Also another movie by Hitchcock (I forgot the name of it) used the color "yellow" as motif. It used a grey setting to make the woman's purse "pop" out of the scene. Not only was her purse yellow, but her natural hair color blonde (yellow). It became a reoccurring theme throughout the move clip that we viewed in class.
Mise-en-Scene is a French term which stands for putting into the scene. this term was first applied to the practice of directing plays. Years ago, film directors used the aspect of mise-en-scene to signify the directors control over what appears in the film frame. Aspects such as lightinh, setting, costume, and behavior are just a few that describes mise-en-scene.
ReplyDeleteIn the movie "Dreams" when the little boy sees the little girl but is really an orchid. the orchid signified a very important aspect in the dream.
The term mise-en-scene is defined as the arrangement of actors and scenery on a stage for a theatrical production. This means that actors, whether it's people or objects, and the scenery itself has some sort of symbolic meaning and/or purpose. We've seen in class examples of color standing out of a black and white production, camera angles following important subjects, and even shapes/silhouettes of characters. Believe it or not, mise-en-scene has even been made use of since film's earliest age.
ReplyDeleteFor example, the 1903 silent film "the Great Train Robbery" makes use of costume to signify good and evil. The robbers on the train wore black, while the people opposing them were wearing white. This is just a simple example of how mise-en-scene has affected how we give new meanings to how film is viewed.
Film Theorists David Bordwell and Kristin Thompson defined Mise en scene as: "All of the elements placed in front of the camera to be photographed: the settings and props, lighting, costumes and make-up, and figure behavior." Mise en scene is a French derived word meaning "placing on a stage" or "putting in a scene" Some key components of Mise en scen are: Set design, Acting, Costume, Makeup and hairstyles, etc. Anything associated with a scene is considered Mise en scene.
ReplyDeleteFor example, In the film "Marnie" Alfred Hitchcock uses a yellow purse to stand out due to the fact that the purse had a very significant meaning in the movie. All of the action centered around the yellow purse.
Mise-en scene is the french term for "placing on stage". Basically it means the arrangement of everything appearing in the frame consisting of the actors, lighting, props, camera movement, costume, and décor. The collaboration of the director, artistic director, set designer, prop master, make up artist, etc are all influencial in "setting the scene", the overall look and feel of the film.
ReplyDeleteIn the film my classmate Tavaris analyzed "For Colored Girls", color was a huge influence in the play and movie. Each woman was represented by a color- Lady in red = Janet Jackson, Lady in blue = Kerry Washington, etc. This element had to be in the mind/job of everybody from the set designer to the make up artist. An example of this would be the scene where the lady in red was in her all black and white office and the accents of red were in her lipstick, portfolio, pen, and coffee mug.
Another example we viewed in class is from the Hitchcock movie "Marnie". The color yellow was a prominent theme because the blond (yellow haired) woman with the yellow bag stole all the money.
1. Putting on stage is the simple way of explaining Mise-en-scene; basically staging the scene by using different components such as the setting, lighting, costumes and characters. Mise-en-scene is all about capturing the moment of the scene and making it realistic, making you become involved and intrigued in the scene. The director’s guidance, the character’s ability to make a scene believable, the props or effects in the scene to make you feel as if you are where you need to be.
ReplyDeleteAn example would be the old time favorite movie Clueless. The difference between upper class Los Angeles and the Valley where the latter’s community seemed dirty and dangerous based on the setting the party house’s yard covered in different props. Christmas lights still up in the spring and of course the robbery of the main character’s purse, but compared to the upper class Los Angeles there was no mess in the yards. Everything was clean and well kept. There was no danger and a community that was well taken care of.
You get an idea of Mise-en-scene and how simple props and the placement of props and characters, their wardrobe, and the behavior how to places so close together in California were so different.
Mise-en-scene simply means to put in scene. Mise-en-scene has four components: setting, lighting, costumes, and characters. Mise-en-scene is all about taking all of those components and bringing a story to life. Producers usually scout out different places for different settings in the movie. The surrounding environment in a movie is what makes you believe a movie. Lighting not only illuminates a subject but it also elicits an emotional response. High key lighting is usually associated with the "good guys" and we feel safe with high key lighting.
ReplyDeleteCostumes not only help actors get into character, they help the audience connect emotionally. For example, in George Lucas' American Graffiti, the characters drove 1940s cars and wore clothes from that time period. However, the movie was shot in the 1970s. The cars and the clothes the characters wore made the audience feel as though they were transported back to the 1940s.
Lastly the characters pull everything together. Most actors play roles that are completely different from how they are in real life. A great actor can make the difference between the a bad, good, or great movie.
As this has explained before, Mise-en-Scene means "putting into scene." By saying that, that means that Mise-en-Scene includes those aspects of film that overlap with the art of the theater, which are setting, lighting, costume, and the behavior of the figures. It also involves planning, but also include unplanned events as well. All of these components will help create an interesting film. The major components involved with Mise-en-Scene (lighting, setting, costume), plays an important role in making a film. Lighting can manipulate the image being shot, and costume can be stylized to call attention to their graphic qualities. Setting is major to stage the action and or the setting can also be constructed.
ReplyDeleteAn example of Mise-en-Scene can be the Nancy Sinatra music video of "These Boots are Made for Walking." In the video, the setting was staged as a solid color in the background with bold colors such as yellow, red, purple, and other solid color costumes, while Nancy Sinatra was dressed in black, to set herself a part from her back-up dancers. Stairs and blocks were also put into the scene to show Nancy Sinatra walking down the steps with her boots, which the song is partially about. The bright colors in the scene which the dancers were dressed up in helped draw the viewers toward the star of the video, Nancy Sinatra. Set lighting was used for the video, as well as hard lighting, that define the crisp edges of the blocks and stairs and also the crisp textures.
When a film director handles "staging the action," the director has to make sure shots are detailed with the depth of the scene, and make sure there is enough screen space for the shot.
The phrase Mise-en-scene means putting into scene or put before the camera. It also includes the components of setting, lighting, and behavior of figures. As stated in the comment above mine Nancy Sinatra had a huge example of misc-en-scene in the "These boots are made for walking" video.
ReplyDeleteEach background dancer as well as Nancy Sinatra had on boots. Nancy Sinatra set herself apart by wearing different colors/ darker colors that her background dancers to set herself apart.
Mis-en-scene means putting into in to scene. The three components are lighting, setting, and behavior of the figures. An example is Nancy Sinatra music video "Boots Are Made for Walking" where she and her dancers wear boots but she wear all black and her dancers wear a different assortment of colors.
ReplyDeleteAnother current example is when artists such as Chris Brown and Rhianna make music videos with back up dancers as well. In their videos they make sure they are set apart from their dancers but still in sync with each other.
Mis-En-Scene is how the scene is assembled. It is about the way the background, foreground and middle ground provide an ambiance for the scene that is being shot. When putting together a scene you have to consider what is being conveyed by the actors, and what the surroundings will provide to convey the same concept.
In the link provided above, is a scene from The Devil Wears Prada. In the scene the actors are discussing fashion. The rooms that are visible in the scene are filled with racks of clothes, framed art and sharp white walls that allow the colors of the vibrant clothing to stand out. The scene also allows the personality of Meryl Streep’s character to come through in the office setting. She is hard and to the point, and the walls and office are decorated in a minimalistic manner expressing her tough and bare personality in the shot. The scene and the way it is established helps to express the point that Meryl Streep is trying to convey in the shot and creating mis-en-scene.
Mise-en-scene means to " to put into the scene". It refers to the staging of the props and the look and design if a scene. Props, camera angles, framing , movement and colors all do their individual part if helping telling the story. All of these things goes into the composition if a shot and helps define the vision if the director.
ReplyDeleteProps such as the yellow bag in Marnie gives you a prime example of selective color used to target the audiences attention to the bag. She stole money from her employers and kept the money in that yellow bag. So by highlighting the bag it shoes its value and importance. Another example from that movie when the woman spills red on her white blouse, the color red manes the scene dramatic and plays a big role in painting a picture for the audience.
Mise en scene means to put in camera and to scene. However you decide to stage you set or background you can do it for your cast. The background sets the tone for the movie.It also helps paint an image in the audiences head.
ReplyDeleteWhen applied to the cinema, miss en scene refers to everything that appears before the camera and its arrangement;composition, sets, props, actors, costumes, sounds, and lighting.The mise en scene, along with the cinematography and editing of a film, influence the verisimilitude of a film in the eyes of its viewers.The various elements of design help express a film’s vision by generating a sense of time and space, as well as setting a mood, and sometimes suggesting a character’s state of mind.
ReplyDeleteMise-en-scène is the arrangement of everything that appears in the framing such as actors, lighting, décor, props, and costumes.Mise-en-scèn is a french term that means “placing on stage.” The frame and camerawork also constitute the mise-en-scène of a movie or film.
ReplyDeleteMise-en-scène, a french term that means "putting into the scene" or "staging the action" involves different elements to creating a pice of film. These elements include; setting, lighting, costumes, behavior of figures (actors). Each has their own characteristic which makes them just as important as the other. Setting presents the picture of the film, lighting sets the mood, and the actors tell the story.
ReplyDeleteIn class we watched a brief clip about two children who seemed to be running from something. The overall setting of the film seemed to take place in a small country town near a stream that ran a long each house. The boy and girl in the story travel by boat, and walk everywhere else, but what I want to focus on right now for this example is the detail of motion and lighting. I say motion because the cinematography transitions between shots by letting the actors go from stage right to stage left repetitiously until the actors reach their destination. This gives the audience a sense of travel.
Lighting is mentioned also because it gives us a sense of what the time of day is. It shapes objects by creating highlights and shadows. Highlights provide important cures to the texture of the surface. Shadows are casted or are created when light fails to illuminate part of an object. As the scene transitions from daytime to night time and the children go to sleep, the photographer dims the light.
Mise-en-Scene means to put into scene or attention. When directors are trying to convey a memessage or idea he can use different techniques to do so. The props, actors ,lighting, and angles are put together to compose the directors vision and make up Mise En Scene.
ReplyDeleteIn Babel the signifier was the color yellow, which showed consistently through out the film. It wasn't on accident that the color kept reoccurring. This was a way to use Mise En Scene and use yellow as a symbol and have a particular meaning.
Mise en Scene refers to the attributes of a particular film, the setting, the actors, costumes, props, etc. Its the details that are characterized throughout a film, everything from how a prop is arranged, to the specific colors of a set, to the look of the actor is Mise en Scene.
ReplyDeleteCostume is probably the most notable aspect of Mise en Scene for example the iconic little black dress scene that Audrey Hepburn wore in Blake Edward's "Breakfast at Tiffany's" (1961).
Lighting is another key aspect of Mise en Scene for example 3-point lighting was used a lot in the film we watched in class "Babel". "Babel" applied the three-point lighting technique to illuminate scenes. It created a since of depth in the film, which supported all the drama happening within th film.
Mise en scene is the arrangement of everything that appears in the film from the actors, lighting, props, decor, etc. Even though many professionals are involved in its creation, the director is the one that oversees the entire mise-en-scène and all of its elements. The process of determining who is over the effects of what appear in the film is usually done during the preproduction phase of the film.
ReplyDeleteIn some instances, the mise-en- scène is used to evoke lasting feelings throughout the movie and not just for selected scenes.All of the aspects are important but unarguably one of the film elements that has the greatest power to evoke emotions, lighting must be manipulated by the director to accommodate his or her desires for the movie. The two broad types of lighting approaches are: low-key lighting and high-key lighting.
In the movie Babel that we are currently watching in class, one example of Mise en Scene is the opening scene of Susan and Richard Jones at a Moroccan Restaurant. The tension/emotion was very strong in this scene.
Mise-En-Scene means "putting into scene". This process is simply setting the stage, mood, tone, and feel of whatever a director is trying to portray in his/her film. There are four aspects of Mise-En-Scene: setting, lighting, costume, and behavior of figures. Within a certain setting, you will have props or different objects that have a function within the ongoing action. Props can become motifs. Costume and make-up can also have specific functions in film whether it is to enhance the appearance of a certain actor on screen or to change actors into a historical character. LIGHTING IS EVERYTHING. It is the most important element in cinema because it helps create the overall composition and it guides the attention of the audience.
ReplyDeleteWe are currently reviewing the film Babel. In the scene when the American tourist gets shot, I believe that the director wanted the audience's full attention. He draws our attention by shooting extreme close-ups of the woman and her companion as they ride the bus. As a viewer, I could feel the suspense and I knew that something was coming. I expected something to happen simply because of the director's sense of mise-en-scene.
Mise-En-Scene is everything before the camera from the costumes, actors, lighting, composition,setting, etc. It gives the film its life. With lighting you can set a mood or tone. It can play a big role on the actors mood, for example if you use colors you can set the characters a mood.
ReplyDeleteThe costumes can also narrate, they can let you know about the character. The way a person dress can say a lot. The organization of objects, actors and space within the frame. One of the most important concepts with the regard to the composition of a film is maintaining a balance of symmetry. This refers to having an equal distribution of light, color, and objects and/or figures in a shot. Unbalanced composition can be used to emphasize certain elements of a film that the director wishes to be given particular attention to. This tool works because audiences are more inclined to pay attention to something off balance, as it may seem abnormal.
Mise-En-Scene is the French phrase for "putting into scene". It consist of 4 aspects:Setting, lighting, costume, and behavior of figures. The setting Plays a more important role in film than theatre. In the setting lies a prop. A prop is when an object has a function within the ongoing action. Costume can have specific functions in the total film.Make up can enhance the appearance of the actors on the screen.In cinema, lighting is more important than just illumination. Lighter and darker areas within the frame help to create overall composition and thus guide our attention to certain objects and actions.
ReplyDeleteAn example of a prop is the rifle in the movie Babel. The rifle plays an important role in the movie. A Japanese hunter sells a rifle to a man in Morocco. The Moroccan man's youngest son was playing target practice with the gun and shot at a tour bus which caused the death of an American.
Mise-en-Scene means to basically creating a scene." From the Actors themselves to their costumes, make up, and more. Mise-en-Scene includes those characteristics of film that corresponds with the art of the theater, which are lighting, setting, costume, make up and the behavior of the actor. All of these components will help create a stimulating film. The major components involved with Mise-en-Scene (lighting, setting, costume), plays an important role in making a film. Lighting can manipulate the image being shot, and costume can be stylized to call attention to their graphic qualities. Setting is major to stage the action and or the setting can also be constructed. In class examples we learn how color standing out of a black and white production, camera angles following important subjects, and even shapes/silhouettes of characters. Mise-en-scene has even been made use of since film's earliest age.
ReplyDeleteFor example in the movie Babel, They made it known that the Americans are somewhat stuck up by showing the wife refusal to eat i the African restaurant and start to use sanitized napkins to clean the silverware. After being shot, the wife showed that she was in so much pain and cared less about being a germ phobic by urinating in a pan while kissing her husband.
Mise-en-scene means "putting into scene." The things that need to be observed closely when filming are setting, costume and makeup, lighting, and behavior of the figures. Without these, a film will not be complete. Mise-en-scene plays a major role because it indicates what meanings and messages that the audience will receive.
ReplyDeleteIt is very important to know how a film is activated to others. In the movie Motorcycle Diaries, mise-en-scene was very significant. This film was based in 1952 causing the director make sure the setting look exactly like that time period. If there is one mistake it will make a viewer stop watching. This is considered as realism. If a car that was made in 1970 is seen in a movie that is based during the 50s viewers will notice it and maybe not watch the film again.
Costumes must match the setting and time period of a movie. If a actor is a thug he must fit that look or the audience will respond badly. Lighting provides us with a sense of the time of day it is. If there is dark lighting more than likely it's night time. Mise-en-scene is used by directors to portray their ideas. I noticed in the movie Shottas that I'm analyzing shows a dark room with a candle light indicating that it is night time. These things are very important.
Amber Maddox: "Putting into scene" is the french definition for Misc-en-scene. With the Misc-en-scene comes 4 important aspects. Lighting, Costume & Makeup, Behavior of the Figures, and Setting. Without these aspects there could possibly be no movie. Each of these aspects gives the audience a easy interpretation of the movie and what is going on.
ReplyDeleteIn the hyperlink movie Babel each of these aspects of the Misc-en-scene is easily depicted. The director shows the setting distinctively throughout the movie the US, Tokyo, Morocco, and Mexico. Each scene has a great depiction of the setting the characters are in. The makeup and costume of the characters also give a distinct depiction of what country the characters are in and separate each from the other. There were Americans in Morocco the audience members could tell which person was Moroccan and which was American. The lighting for each scene lets the audience know the time of day and the mood of the scene. Natural lighting was used mostly throughout the movie.
Without the Misc-en-scene a movie would be very confusing to its audience. It is important to have these aspects presented clearly in the film. Audience member need to be captured by the film and the things presented in it. Misc-en-scene helps to bring these elements to the forefront to make an exceptional movie. Without it there could possibly be no movie at all.
Mis en scene had a literal meaning of putting into scene. It is all aspects of what creates the back drop and tone of the film and where action takes place. It primarily involves 4 aspects such as lighting, costume, behavior of figures, and setting. The mis en scene of a film gives it the"flavor". It provides a sense of what to feel and expect in the film as it expresses the a aspects of characters and the mood of the film.
ReplyDeletemis en scene also displays the sense what is going on and gives the vieweran understanding of the film. As in the film Babel the landscape provide a sense of how poor and lacking the area was, along with the costumes of characters. The Mis en scene of the film holds the juice of a film and connects the doors for viewers.
mise-en-scène refers to everything that appears before the camera and its arrangement—composition, sets, props, actors, costumes, sounds, and lighting. The “mise-en-scène”, along with the cinematography and editing of a film, influence the film in the eyes of its viewer. The various elements of design help express a film’s vision by generating a sense of time and space, as well as setting a mood, and sometimes suggesting a character’s state of mind. “Mise-en-scène” also includes the composition, which consists of the positioning and movement of actors, as well as objects, in the shot. These are all the areas overseen by the director. One of the most important people that collaborates with the director is the Production designer.
ReplyDeleteMise-en-scene which is means "putting into scene". This is key to any motion picture, television show, and Stage play. This is what can make or break your production. The Mise-en-scene is the foundation of the play it is the piece that holds everything together. The mise-en-scene helps bring the producer and director vision to life, and it helps the audience see the directors vision.
ReplyDeleteThe mise-en-scene deals with the wardrobe, the lighting, the makeup and backdrops for differents scenes. Without the mise-en-scene the production would not come to life, with the mise-en-scene you have to make sure it goes with the theme of the movie. You would not film a horror movie with bright clothing items, it would take away the scary effect that you are going for. For example the film Babel had great mise-en-scene usage, when they were in the middle east they had the family dressed in the clothes and sandals that they really wear. You did not catch them in jeans, sneakers, and fitted caps, they were in their proper clothing items.
Mise-en-Scene in film means to put in the scene, or bringing the setting, lighting , and character costume together to create an excellent visual for viewers. The Mise-En-Scene is such an important element because it sets the tone for the scene and how we perceive it. It makes us feel like what we are seeing is legit and it can make a scene a lot more engaging when we watch it.
ReplyDeleteCostumes, lighting, and setting are critical in every scene for various reasons. For example if a director is making a movie about war and wants to create an intense battle scene, there must be soldiers in tattered uniforms equipped with essentials such as guns grenades, ect. The setting must be set up in a way that shows us viewers that a battle is going on, and the lighting must be on point, to show flashes in the sky from enemy ships and explosions. That is an example of Mise- En- Scene being perfect for a scene.
An example of a great Mise-En-Scene from class is when we watched the Legend of 1800. As the trumpet player had a flashback of how things used to be on the ship. The camera flashed and showed us many people in a ballroom dressed n very stylish clothes; Men dressed in button down suits and women in flowing dresses as classical music was being played. We watched as everyone danced around in a daze of celebration and joy in bright lights and bliss. Every component of that scene let us know that the ship was a very fun place to be and it made the flashback more intense and it shifted back to the current day ship as the walls were rotting, and everything looked gray and dead. The Mise- En- Scene definately is a key factor when arranging a scene.
Mise-en scene refers to everything that appears before the camera and its arrangement from composition, sets, props, actors, costumes, sounds, and lighting. Mise-en-scène and editing of a film, influence the feeling of a film in the eyes of its viewers.The various elements of design help express a film’s vision by generating a sense of time and space, as well as setting a mood, and sometimes suggesting a character’s state of mind.
ReplyDeleteIn the movie, The Other Guys, the film starts off with high energy music accompanied by a car chase scene with explosions. Later on in the film, you see one character dressed in glasses and a suit and another in jeans and a leather jacket, they both begin with an argument. This concepts apply to Mise-en-scene and let the audience know that the film is most likely an action-comedy.
Mis-En-Scene means put into scene. The formatics of Mise-En-Scene are categorized into 4 aspects which includes: Setting,lighting,costume and behavior of figures.The notions of realism may vary from time to time across cultures and over time . The settiing of the store plays a major role in the film than theatre.
ReplyDeleteIn the Curious case of Benjamin button I have noticed that the setting was New Orleans,Louisiana during the "Roaring 20's and to have set during Huricane Katrina" . The lighting in the scenes were very natural using the resources around such as the sun and simple light fictures in the scene.The costumes were of the time period such as dresses,suits and top hats for the males. The dark clothing created warmth along with the natural lighting . The characters brought each scene to life and utilized the customs of those that live in New Orleans.
Mise-en-scene is a term that means "putting into scene". With the creation and display of objects such as props, you make the film have a more important role than that of a theater play. The most important aspects consist of costume, lighting, and setting.
ReplyDeleteOne good example would be the movie Looper. This movie had a setting that took place in the future. The scene was set in Kansas 2044 and the lighting was very natural. There was very little to no lighting enhancement due to the fact the movie was attempting to look as real as possible. The costumes were designed to show and express the poverty levels as well as show those who are living lavish lives during such a difficult time.
Mise-en-Scene means putting into scene. This has four spects which icludes the setting, lighting, costume, and behavior of figures. The notions of realism may vary across cultures over time and even among individuals.
ReplyDeleteAn exampls for one of the aspects is a prop that can become a motif for a film. This motif has a significance in the film which may continue to show up through out the film. The movie "Marnie" shows the purpose of the certain items being yellow and even the reaction of the color red when the ink spilled on her blouse.
When making a film, the director will make the choice of the film being in either black and white or in color. This all depends on how dramatic the director wants for it to be.
Mise-en-scene is a french term and originates in the theater. It means, "put in the scene". for film, it has a broader meaning, and refers to almost everything that goes into the composition of the shot, including: the setting, actors, lighting, make up and costumes, framing, movement of camera, and general visual environment. Even sounds and music. Mise-en-scene is valued for helping set the tone, emotion and meaning of the shot.
ReplyDeletefor example, in "Pulp Fiction", in the scene where the young Butch is about to receive his father's watch, he is watching a show that is very racial towards Asians. Another example is when Jules and Vincent take Marvin's body to Jimmies's house. Jimmie's reaction is actually very surrealistic. In other words, the incident manages to bring out the racial sterotypes that were lurking in Jimmie's subconscious. Jimmies says Nigger without even thinking about what he said, especially in front of Jules, his African American friend. Normally this would not be tolerated.
Mise-en-scene is "putting it into scene" their are also four aspects to this term which is setting, lighting, costume, and behavior of figures. throughout these aspects they vary widely across and from culture to culture. Settings is very important in the movie within the setting you also have props and what not. However, your most important aspect is your lighting. Lighting helps create the overall concept of your whole movie it is what attraction viewers attention to certain subjects.
ReplyDeleteCostume is another aspect of Mise-en-scene it has specific functions with it. For example, Iron Man the last one. His costume/ armor had many different moods and different things from it. Each armor was specific from each other. another example is for make-up in the last hunger games the lead actress had many different moods when her moods was different they used make up and it brighten her look up and made her look more alive. The last aspect is Figure behavior which is the movement of the movie and the hidden movements throughout the movie thats not noticed. These movements must stay hidden and undetected.
Dereck Nesbit
Mise-en-scene or "putting into scene" is a term used in the movie industry. There are four different areas of mise-en-scene and each of them display an important role when making a movie. The four areas are setting, lighting, costumes, and behavior of figures. However, setting has the most important role in developing a scene. Colors and props may be used in each setting to show motifs throughout the movie. For example, in the movie Body Heat, warm colors of red and orange was used as a motif.
ReplyDeleteAnother important aspect is lighting. In the video Every Breath You Take, backlighting was used as the light came from behind the subject creating a silhouette. The other aspects costume and behavior of figures are developed within the actors. For example, the movie Hunger Games showed many different costumes that developed the story. The characters that were poor wore "rags" and dark colored clothing, while the rich wore bright colors and the latest fashion styles.
A mise en scéne is the arrangement of scenery and stage properties in a play or film. It refers to everything that appears before the camera and its arrangement; like the composition, sets, props, actors/actresses, costumes and lighting. The various elements help express a film’s vision by generating a sense of time and space, as well as setting a mood, and sometimes suggesting a character’s state of mind. It also consists of the positioning and movement of actors and objects in certain shots.
ReplyDeleteMise en scéne’s main components are setting, lighting, costume, and staging. The setting creates both a sense of place and a mood and it may also reflect a character’s emotional state of mind. The lighting consists of the main three-point lighting; it’s the arrangement of key, fill, and backlight that provides an even illumination of the scene. The costume includes both makeup and wardrobe used to convey a character’s personality or status. It also signifies the differences between characters. With acting, the actors’ or actresses’ performance can make or break a movie no matter how great the narrative is. It’s the talents job to bring his or her character to life.
---Jennifer C. Evans
A mise en scéne is the arrangement of scenery and stage properties in a play or film. It refers to everything that appears before the camera and its arrangement; like the composition, sets, props, actors/actresses, costumes and lighting. The various elements help express a film’s vision by generating a sense of time and space, as well as setting a mood, and sometimes suggesting a character’s state of mind. It also consists of the positioning and movement of actors and objects in certain shots.
ReplyDeleteMise en scéne’s main components are setting, lighting, costume, and staging. The setting creates both a sense of place and a mood and it may also reflect a character’s emotional state of mind. The lighting consists of the main three-point lighting; it’s the arrangement of key, fill, and backlight that provides an even illumination of the scene. The costume includes both makeup and wardrobe used to convey a character’s personality or status. It also signifies the differences between characters. With acting, the actors’ or actresses’ performance can make or break a movie no matter how great the narrative is. It’s the talents job to bring his or her character to life.
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ReplyDeleteThe arrangement of everything that appears in the framing such as actors,lighting,decor, props, and costumes.This is known mise-en-scene, a french term that means"placing on stage". The frame and camera work also constitute the mise-en-scene of a movie.
ReplyDeleteMise en also looks in depth at the lighting, setting, and the costumes in a film. It helps pull out key elements in a film that you may not have noticed before. For example costumes include hair styles, make up, also you have three different types of lighting such as backlighting, three-point lighting, and fill lighting.
These two components in particular set the mood for the scene and will give you a great experience.Furthermore mise en scene means "putting in the scene" basically making all of the elements come to life. Lighting is one film element that the power to bring out emotions in a scene. Two types of lighting are low key lighting and high key lighting. High key lighting as its best effects in musicals or comedies and Low key lighting has its best effect in horror films such as The Conjuring.
Mise-en -Scene is simply the arrangement of everything tht is shown in the framing. Everything from actors, lighting,deor,props, and costumes. These elements are all apart of Mise-en-scene.The phrase "mise-en-scene" is a french term that means 'placing on the stage".There are 15 point to mis en scene. 1. Dominant
ReplyDelete2. Lighting Key. 3. Shot and Camera Proxemics 4. Angle 5. Color Values 6. Lens/Filter/Shock 7. Subsidary Contrasts 8. Density. 9. Composition 10. Form 11. Framing 12. Depth 13. Character Placement 14. Staging positions 15. Character Proxemics
The director is the one who oversess mise en scene and all the elements that come with it. In some cases mise en scene can be used to spark feelings throughout a movie and not just for certain scenes. The main components of mise en scene are setting, lighting, costume, and staging. The setting creates a sense of place and a mood. The lighting consists of the main three-point lighting; it’s the arrangement of key, fill, and backlight that provides an even illumination of the scene. The costume consists of makeup and wadrobe. These two are ued to portay a character and tell what type of person he/she is or what they are going through.Costume can sometimes signify ones status.
Mise-en-scene means “putting into scene.” There are four aspects of mise-en-scene. These aspects are: setting, lighting, costume, and behavior of figures. The setting of the film is a very important role. The setting along with the costume determines the environment and tone of the film. However, the setting is most important in film than the theatre. The setting can include props and colors. Makeup is also included in the costume. The makeup has the ability to enhance the appearance of the talent. This can be done with eyeliners, mascara, etc.
ReplyDeleteAlong with costume, lighting helps the setting of the film as well. Lighting controls the tone and illusion of emotions. Lighting can create highlights and shadows. Shadows can mean multiple symbols. For example, in the film The Color Purple a shadow was used on Shug Avery and increased lighting on Celie to define how Celie is no longer in someone else’s shadow and more confident.
-DeJane Thompson
ReplyDeleteThe concept Mise En Scene is the embodiment of film. The aspects of mise en scene means putting action into scene. From lighting to costume is what is in the action of a scene which is miss en scene. Camera angles and the rate of a shot ties into the aspect of miss en scene. Though there are other way of changing these actions in scene.
Computer generation is changed the whole aspects of miss n scene due to the creation of everything through the computer. Film directors no longer have to find outside aspects to create certain key lighting. Even to the regards of having to travel. Everything can be put on a green screen. Computer generation deminishes the idea of miss en scene.
-Demarcus Worthy
DeleteMise En Scene simply means to set up your vision as a director and putting that vision into action. Mise En Scene combines all the elements to make a precise film from props, talent, theme and lighting. This concept can be seen in all films and serves a major purpose.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite form of Mise En Scene would be the film noir style which is one of the classic forms of film til this day. Using minimal lighting/fill lighting or black and white lighting creating drop shadows. Which gives the movie set a mysterious type vibe which created countless Hollywood hits. Examples of this style can be seen in this video and explained in detail.
Mise-en-scene is a French term that basically means “putting into scene”. Mise-en-scene consists of everything that is put in front of the camera. These aspects include setting, lighting, costumes, and the behavior of the actors.
ReplyDeleteSetting is major part of this concept. A great example is from Nancy Sanitra’s “These Boots are Made for Walking” video. Her dancers have on extravagant colors while she is wearing black. This is to make herself standout from all the others in the video, basically so she can be the center of attention. Set lighting was used for this video and also hard lighting.
Another Example would be a film we viewed in class Marine by Alfred Hitchcock. The lady in this movie is wearing basic solid colors and she is carrying a yellow purse the entire movie which shows significant meaning. Hitchcock uses the color yellow as a motif in this movie. Also she changes the color of her hair to blonde which also goes back to the motif as well. All of the action is centered on this yellow purse which is a reoccurring theme throughout the duration of the movie.
The term Mise-en-scene is a French term which means "putting into scene". It consists of setting, lighting, costumes, and the behavior of the talent. Back to the Future (1985) comes to mind as a good example of mise-en-scene.
ReplyDeleteTheir is a scene in a mall parking lot where the DeLorean is introduced. It's a night time setting in a large empty parking lot. The focus is on the dog and the Delorean and how it reaches to a speed over 85 mph and travels to the future. The costumes of each character tells their roles in the movie. The lighting and props also helps viewers focus on the car and what it can do. The cameras POV could have been inside of the car to give an idea what the dog is seeing. The other POV in that scene were good.
The arrangement of everything that appears in the framing – actors, lighting, décor, props, costume – is called mise-en-scène, a French term that means “placing on stage.” The frame and camerawork are also considered part of the mise-en-scène of a movie. In cinema, placing on the stage really means placing on the screen, and the director is in charge of deciding what goes where, when, and how. Psycho Mise-en-scene:arrangement of scenery and properties to represent the place where a play or movie is enacted. The example of mise-en-scene in the film, would be during the scene where Norman and Marion share tea in the parlour, the strongest examples would be lighting and setting. During the scene Marion is positioned on opposite sides of the room, the lighting shown on Marion brighter then it is on Norman, and also Marion and Norman are set in a small, dimly lit parlour covered with Taxidermy birds, Marion is also sitting next to a lamp the light darkening one side of her face.
ReplyDeleteMisc-en-scene is French for "Putting into scene." With Misc-en-scene there are four aspects. It includes lighting, costume and makeup, behavior of figures and the setting. All these aspects make up an entire movie. It helps give the audience another way of how they interpret the movie and understand what is going on.
ReplyDeleteIt is important to have the aspects of Misc-en-scene presented clearly in the film. Audience member should be able to follow the movie and understand each element. Misc-en-scene helps makes the elements of the movie clear. Possibly without Misc-en-scene there would be no movie.
In Babel each of aspects of Misc-en-scene is apparent. The director gives each setting a distinctive look to tell audience member where each character is. For example, Mexico looks like Mexico, Tokyo looks just like Tokyo and so forth. The makeup and costume also makes it clear to audience member what country each character is trying to depict. For example, there Americans in Morocco. The audience members could tell which person was Moroccan and which was American. The lighting for each scene lets the audience know the time of day and the mood of the scene. Natural lighting was a common lighting technique used throughout the movie. used mostly throughout the movie.
Mise en Scene means putting into scene or staging the action. There are four aspects that are included in Mise-en-Scene, they are: setting, lighting, costume, and behavior of figures. Of course there are different kinds of ways to put something into scene. There are different props you could use, setting could be taken into consideration, different characters people can portray, and different lighting. When choosing a setting, color is the most important component. Props could become motifs like in the movie Psycho, and different lighting can occur when choosing different scenes like: high key lighting, low key lighting, back light, frontal lighting, underlighting, top lighting, and sidelighting.
ReplyDeleteWhen staging people, you want to make sure that the people have the correct make-up on, the right costume, and can actually act as the character you want them to act as. When putting things into scene, you want to make sure that it does not look fake so you give a person a prop or a certain job to do so they are not just staring at the camera saying their lines. This is called realistic acting and this is what is shown in most movies today.
The french phrase Mise-en-scene refers to "putting into scene or staging the action. The four aspects that make up Mise-en-scene are the setting, lighting, costume/make up, and behavior of figures. The functions of Mise-en-scene consist of the notions of realism that vary across cultures, over time, and even among individuals. There are a variety of ways to put a scene into action, for instance the usage of props, lighting, and characters.
ReplyDeleteSetting plays a more important role in film than theater. Color is an important component of the setting, it can be used as a motif. A motif appears and reappears in a different form throughout the narrative. Props can also become motifs. A prop or property is when an object has a function with in the ongoing action. Costume can have specific functions in the total film.Make up enhances appearance of the actors on the screen. Changing actors to look like historical characters, which is a common function of make up. An example would be enhance eye brow behavior. The eye brow is enhanced by eyeliner and mascara can draw attention to the eye of the character. In cinema, lighting is more important than just illumination. lighting shapes objects by creating highlights and shadows. All of these components of Mise-en-scene are what make a great film.
Mise-en scene is the French term for "placing on stage". Basically it means the arrangement of everything appearing in the frame consisting of the actors, lighting, props, camera movement, costume, and décor. The collaboration of the director, artistic director, set designer, prop master, make-up artist, etc are all influential in "setting the scene", the overall look and feel of the film.
ReplyDeleteWhen a film director handles "staging the action," the director has to make sure shots are detailed with the depth of the scene, and make sure there is enough screen space for the shot.
As we watched in class as an example of Mise-en-Scene was Nancy Sinatra music video of "These Boots are Made for Walking." In the video, the setting was staged as a solid color in the background with bold colors such as yellow, red, purple, and other solid color costumes, while Nancy Sinatra was dressed in black, to set herself a part from her back-up dancers. Stairs and blocks were also put into the scene to show Nancy Sinatra walking down the steps with her boots, which the song is partially about. The bright colors in the scene which the dancers were dressed up in helped draw the viewers toward the star of the video, Nancy Sinatra. Set lighting was used for the video, as well as hard lighting, that define the crisp edges of the blocks and stairs and also the crisp textures.
The arrangement of everything that appears in the framing actors, lighting, décor, props, costume is called Mise-en-scene. Mise-en-scene isn’t a production term It comes from French language meaning place on stage., placing on the stage really means placing on the screen, and the director is in charge of deciding what goes where, when, and how. The director is the one who oversees the entire mise-en-scene and all of the elements.In some instances, the mise-en- scene is designed to evoke emotions that permeate an entire movie.
ReplyDeleteThe set design refers to the decor of the set, or how it’s dressed, comprising mainly of the furniture, props, and the set itself.Instead of just placing objects anywhere, the director must be aware of how these elements may bear significance in a deeper level, while also emphasizing themes, creating meanings, and provoking thoughts.
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ReplyDeleteMise-en- Scene deals with objects related to the scene. It is all about putting and applying methods to the scene. Objects that are applied to the scene are the lighting, costume and behavior fugues, these are very important when it comes to putting different scenes together. Putting different scenes together relates to the setting which also is another important part of Mise - en-Scene which involves the setting and props. Mise –en -Scene goes very in depth with lighting, costumes and the screen space that utilizes the importance of Mise – en-Scene.
ReplyDeleteThe arrangement of everything that appears in the framing – actors, lighting, décor, props, costume – is called mise-en-scène. For film, it has a broader meaning, and refers to almost everything that goes into the composition of the shot, including the composition itself: framing, movement of the camera and characters, lighting, set design and general visual environment, even sound as it helps elaborate the composition. In other words, mise-en-scène describes the stuff in the frame and the way it is shown and arranged.
ReplyDeleteMise-en-scène is a French term and originates in the theater. It means, literally, "put in the scene." Mise-en-scène can be defined as the articulation of cinematic space, and it is precisely space that it is about. Setting, lighting, costume and makeup are the four different components in Mise-en-scene. The most important component is setting, which is the location of which the film is taking place: the director basis the setting for us as viewers to interpret the story’s plot better.
ReplyDeleteMise en scène encompasses the most recognizable attributes of a film – the setting and the actors; it includes costumes and make-up, props, and all the other natural and artificial details that characterize the spaces filmed. The term is borrowed from a French theatrical expression, meaning roughly “put into the scene”. In other words, mise-en-scène describes the stuff in the frame and the way it is shown and arranged. We have organized this page according to four general areas: setting, lighting, costume and staging. At the end we have also included some special effects that are closely related to mise-en-scène.
ReplyDeleteSetting creates both a sense of place and a mood and it may also reflect a character’s emotional state of mind. It can be entirely fabricated within a studio – either as an authentic re-construction of reality or as a whimsical fiction – but it may also be found and filmed on-location.
This arrangement of key, fill, and backlight provides even illumination of the scene and, as a result, is the most commonly used lighting scheme in typical narrative cinema. The light comes from three different directions to provide the subject with a sense of depth in the frame, but not dramatic enough to anything deeper than light shadows behind the subject.
when it comes to film making "Mise en Scene" plays a big role for directors. The french term Mise en scene means "putting into scene" , and that's what it does. Mise en scene is comprised of the setting, lighting, costume, and behavior of the figures. Its the overall plan of the film.
ReplyDeleteThese concepts are used to help give the audience a certain feeling and emotion of the film. Mise en scene helps the director get their point across.
Through low lighting; giving a sense of gloom, or darkness depicting danger.
The sound of wind, and the falling of leaves gives the viewers a sense of the season Fall.
This arrangement of key, fill, and back light provides even illumination of the scene and, as a result, is the most commonly used lighting scheme in typical narrative cinema. The light comes from three different directions to provide the subject with a sense of depth in the frame, but not dramatic enough to anything deeper than light shadows behind the subject.
Costume can include both makeup or wardrobe choices used to convey a character’s personality or status, and to signify these differences between characters.
ex. a character wearing a scarf may imply that they affiliated with a religion.
When it comes to behavior of figures. figures cover a wide range of possibilities, Mise en scene allows figures to express feelings and thoughts. ex. a man slouching with head low represents weariness.
Mise en scene means put in scene or put in action or put on stage. It is a term centered in cinematography. Directors not only make a movie but they must follow a certain criteria in order to be successful in creating and analyzing films.
ReplyDeleteIn each scene there are characters, props, objects, ideas, plots, and much more for the film to flow smoothly. Director must have connection with editor to pull of messages and meaning of scene throughout a film. Behavior is also an element of film for example the Brad Pitt acts to the danger in "BABEL"
Mise-en-scene is when a scene is put into action and relates around cinematography. It relates to cinematography by lighting, setting, props, setting, costumes, and behavior. The five different features lighting has in cinematography are: frontal lighting, side lighting, under lighting, top lighting, and back lighting.
ReplyDeleteSetting plays an important role in film. Setting focuses on the time, and place where the actions of the story takes place. For example, Babel took place in Mexico, California, Japan, and France and Morocco. Props define ongoing actions in a scene. Characters perform their props by providing their details about stories that are taking place throughout the film.
Costumes specify the characters’ appearance in the films. Sometimes colors of costumes express the meaning of how the characters are represented. The Color Purple is a good example that relates to costumes. The long dresses Celie and Nettie wore specify how females used to dress in the early twentieth century. The hats are also part of the costumes of the females because when women worked in fields, they used them to keep them from getting hot. In most scenes, the color red meant sexual activities the characters performed.
Behavior specifies a character’s facial expression or gesture. In Babel, the Japanese girl who lost her mother due to her taking her own life, shows facial expressions and gestures by using sign language due to her deafness. While she was alone with her father, she became nude and tried to have sexual relations with her father.
Mise-en-scene is a meaning of "putting it into scene." Creating a scene you need setting, lighting, costume, and behaviors. Creating this environ Mise en Scene is very important when it comes to filming. Setting gives the time and place of where the location should be for the film. Adding in the lighting gives off the right tone of the picture and of course to be able to see main subjects.
ReplyDeleteFor Costumes and Make-Up that gives the actor a new personality to go by. The costumes gives off appearance for the characters, plus being enhanced with make-up. Both of these are very important when you want to add it to the scene. The give great aspects of the film. Staging and Performance comes into scene when you have figures. Facial expressions and movement are not restricted. and Characters are playing rolls by acting and using gestures.
Propts (Property) are also added into the scene with objects that have functions within the outgoing actions. Props become motifs even color could be a motif. And Motifs are elements that always reappear in films.
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ReplyDeleteMise en scene is referring to ALL of the elements contained in a shot : actors, scenery, props, lighting, camera movement within a shot, actor movement within a shot, the actual composition of the shot, camera angles, etc. This is everything you physically see happening within a frame of the movie. In a film, it has a deeper meaning, and refers to just about everything that goes into the making of the shot, including the composition itself: framing, , lighting, set design, movement of the camera and characters and general visual environment, even sound as it helps elaborate the composition. In other words, mise-en-scène describes the things in the frame and the way it is shown and arranged. if a film depends entirely on dialogue to tell its story or if its visual structure is made up primarily of a static camera held at eye level on characters who are speaking in any given scene, or if its lighting is too bright, even, and shadow less, it lacks mise-en-scene. Unless the director is purposely using these "bad" characteristics to convey a certain tone. But as long as these elements are being played with, you are still using mise en scene to help your story.
ReplyDeleteThe term Mise en scene derives from the Italian phrase "putting into scene." The four components of Mise en scene are setting, lighting, costume and makeup, and staging and performance. Setting is important in Mise en scene because the setting can shape how the audience perceives the movie as it progresses. In the film Babel one of the main characters was shot and the setting was in Morocco so American citizens automatically assumed it was a terrorist attack but there was no terrorism involved. Lighting is important in the film because it can create a tone. Low-key lighting in a film can create a mysterious tone. High-key lighting can create an illumination that can suggest different lighting conditions or times of day. Make-up is used to make a character look a certain way. The usage of Make-up can dramatize a characters look to add a distinctive affect to the audience’s memory. Costumes can play a major role in films. Costumes can become motifs, and can enhance characterization and following changes in attitudes. For example, in the film Batman the director uses the color black in Batman’s costuming to correspond with the characters personality. Staging and performance done by the character is what makes the acting seem real. If the staging and performance is not done properly it does not seem realistic.
ReplyDeleteMise-en-scene means putting into scene. When it comes to mise en scene there are four important factors which include: Setting, lighting, costume and behavior of figures.
ReplyDeleteSetting is the time and place the film takes place. An important factor of the setting are the props or prop. The prop is an object that has a function within the ongoing action.
Costume and makeup can have specific functions in the totality of the film. Make up enhances the character of the actor.
Lighting is more important in film. Lighting shapes the object.
Mise en scène is made up of the most recognizable attributes of a film; it includes costumes,make-up, props, the setting,
ReplyDeleteand the actors and all the other natural and artificial details that characterize the spaces filmed.
Setting creates both a sense of place and a mood and it may also reflect a character’s emotional state of mind. An examples for one of the aspects is a prop that can become a motif for a film. This motif has a significance in the film which may continue to show up through out the film.
Mise-en-Scene is in one word is life. When you initially wake up in the morning if there was a camera recording you it would be evident. You waking up stretching, as the bright beams from the sunlight hit your face. What do we have? We have you in your pajamas which is your costume, we have natural lighting from the sun, and we have the character of someone who wishes they weren't late for class. You see when Mise-en-Scene means "to put into scene" it is exactly that. Anything you decide to put in front of the camera adds an aspect to the environment so it is automatically part of the scene.
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ReplyDeleteMise-en-Scene in film means to "put on stage", "put into the scene", or "staging an action" and referred to the design and direction of the entire production. The elements of mise-en-scene are setting, lighting, costume, and behavior of figure. Settings play an important role in film more than theater.
An example of the setting component would be a prop used in a movie. Sometimes props may become motifs, which is known as a element that repeats itself in the film and has a important meaning. The surrounding environment in a movie is what makes you believe a movie. Lighting not only illuminates a subject but it also elicits an emotional response. High key lighting is usually associated with the "good guys" and we feel safe with high key lighting.
The term, Mise-en-Scene, means "putting into the scene". With Mise-en-Scene the director has control over what appears in the film frame. Mise-en-Scene allows the director to give the scene a more realistic look and also allows the actors in the film a more natural performance. Many factors goes into making the shot in the frame a good shot.
ReplyDeleteWhile discussing Mise-en-Scene in class, we viewed two music videos that described the different aspects of Mise-en-Scene. In Nancy Sinatra's "These Boots are Made for Walking", the director used high contrast lighting. The lighting was supported by Nancy and the dancers in the video wearing warm colors to bring out the high contrast lighting even more. In The Police's "Every Breath you Take", the director used low contrast lighting. He used a variety of grays and black and white areas to set the mood of the song.
With Mise-en-Scene the director has several areas of control to make the scene such as the setting, the costumes and makeup, lighting, and staging. Filmmakers use these different concepts of Mise-en-Scene to make the perfect frame.
In the movie, Babel, the director used all these concepts to make the connection of the different locations around the world. Each scene from each location was set to describe that location and to help the viewers have an understanding of the narrative.
Mise en scene is the vision that the director has for the film, what they decide to 'Put into Scene'. There are four aspects that are involved setting, lighting, costume and the behavior of figures. Setting in the time and place in which a film happens. We saw in the movie Babel, it was not shown in chronological order sometimes we would see things happened last in the movie first. The movie also took place in four countries, tying them together in the end.
ReplyDeleteCostumes can sometimes be used as a signifier. In the movie The Secret of the Traveling Pants, one of the main characters Lena goes through a transformation from being this shy, conservative girl who plays by the rules and never wears pants, to who now has fun wears makeup and finally lets her hair down.
In the clip of The Godfather, we see how they use black and white with low contrast lighting to create a mysterious atmosphere. The director also chose to use the cat as a prop,
to make the main character seem more human-like in contrast to the mobster that he really is.
In the Hitchcock film we watched in class, during the opening scene while everything is in black and white, they purposely show a women carrying a bright yellow purse to signify that it is important to the story.
Mise-en-scene translates into "putting into scene." It pretty much means and refers to anything that is used to relay a shot including the fours aspects: lighting, setting, costume, and behavior of figures. Setting plays a more important role in film than theatre and includes things such as color and props. Color is an important component of setting and also helps relay the message that the director is trying to get across utilizing specific colors. The next concept, lighting, is also significant because lighter and darker areas within the frame help to create overall composition and direct our attention to certain objects and actions. Lighting form objects by creating highlights and shadows. You can utilize the front, side, back, under, and top light depending on what you are trying to imply for the viewers. There are also lights such as key lights, background lights, fill lights, high key and low-key lights that all serve different purposes.What the characters are wearing are important because costumes can have a specific function in the movie. What they are wearing allows us to understand the discourse that we should take. For example, if they are wearing space suits, we are going to imply that they are out of space not the desert. Finally, we have the behavior of our characters. We are to watch the movement of our characters very carefully because it can usually tell us what is going to happen within the movie. Facial expressions are symbolic as well as things that may seem common, such as, coughing. Take into consideration that characters do not usually cough randomly because we do not think of characters as being sick unless the author has made it clear that they are. A cough is actually symbolic of death. We analyzed that throughout Babel, depending on where they were in the world defined what type of clothing they wore, what sense of lighting would be used and the different discourses that we would take on. For example, while we were in Toyko, we saw many lights throughout the scenes to express more of a young party scene for the teenagers that we were introduced to. Dr. Mo explained to us that nothing is by accident in a film.
ReplyDeleteMise-en-scene translated means "put into scene". The term is referring to the elements contained in a shot like the arrangement of scenery or stage properties such as actors,props, lighting, and camera movement within a shot. Encompassing the most recognizable attributes of a film it displays that every film has a deeper meaning from the framing to lighting or even sound; these attributes help to elaborate the composition.
ReplyDeleteLighting : creates atmosphere within a scene for example dark lighting may indicate fear or tension.Shadows often indicate fear and bright lighting is normally associated with happiness.
Costume/ Make-up: from cuts to bruises to the array of outfits we see on films all play apart in telling the overall all story. Different colors represent different things and send us different messages such as : red= promiscuous purple= power/nobility,black= evil/mystery. Unless the director is purposely using negative characteristics to convey a certain tone you would never know the physical intentions of the character but their custom might help to rely that message.
Set/Location: may evoke emotions when used correctly such as a graveyard,a hospital, or even a wedding. Time and period also play an important part in telling a story especially if the film is set in a specific time period everything will help to tell that story such as the props, buildings, and signs .Overall Mise-en-scene helps to further in depth explain the root of the story and what the author was trying to say.
Mise-en-Scene is a French term used in directing plays, meaning “Putting into the scene”. It also includes the components of setting, lighting, and behavior of figures. Props, camera angles, framing, movement and colors all do their individual part if helping telling the story. The props, actors ,lighting, and angles are put together to compose the directors vision and make up Mise En Scene.
ReplyDeleteMise-en-Scene is a French term used in directing plays, meaning “Putting into the scene”. It also includes the components of setting, lighting, and behavior of figures. Props, camera angles, framing, movement and colors all do their individual part if helping telling the story. The props, actors ,lighting, and angles are put together to compose the directors vision and make up Mise En Scene.
DeleteMise-en-Scene is the concept of designing the stage or "putting the scene in action". Filmmakers use props,costumes, high key lighting, low key lighting, camera angles and even colors to tell the perfect story through narration. The term is from a French expression meaning "put into the scene". It describes the elements in the frame and the way they are arranged.
ReplyDeleteAn example of Mise-en Scene would be the types of clothes the characters wore and the flowers the main character had in the film The Fault in Our Stars. The red flowers he was holding connotes the love he had for another woman. It signified affection as well. The props that he had just made the film seem even more passionate and show the audience that the love he had for her was real because he brought her flowers. The filmmakers wanted to emphasize the extremes he would go through to display his love.
In the movie we watched in class, Babel used Mise-en-Scence to portray the different countries each character was in. When we were seeing the scene of the poor people it showed them in Morocco living in huts and the scene had a lot of dark lighting. That was used in the scene to represent poorness and sadness. When the movie display the other characters in Tokyo it showed them to be more privileged and the lights were bright.
Essence Harris
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ReplyDeleteMise en scene or "to put into scene" is the arrangement of everything that appears in the film from the actors, costumes, lighting, props, decor, etc. Even though many people are involved in its creation, the director has the real say so over the entire aspect of mise-en-scène and all of its elements. In most cases, the mise-en- scène is used to make the scene feel more realistic. It is also used to evoke lasting feelings throughout the movie, but not just for selected scenes. The whole movies is compiled of things that the movie creators hand selected. These specific things are put into scene to make what you see on the screen as authentic as possible. for example, you can't just shoot a film today and claim its a film about the 1900's. There are things that must be added to the set and scene to convey that time period. Lighting, being one of the most key components of a film or specific scene must be manipulated by the director to accommodate his or her desires for the movie. The two broad types of lighting approaches are: low-key lighting and high-key lighting.
ReplyDeleteFor example, the movie that i did my analysis on, The Wizard of Oz, had a lot of Mise En Scene going on. The directors said that they took a lot of time and spent a lot of money on creating the magical land of Oz because they wanted the details to be just as intricate as they were in the book. Everything from the costumes all the way down to the yellow brick road that they walked on was planned and placed into the scene to make the viewer feel like they were really in a new world.
Mise-en-scene is a French term meaning “putting into the scene”. Filmmakers use Mise-en-scene to control what appears in the film frame and as a way to achieve realism through setting and actors performances. The four components of Mise-en-scene are setting, lighting, costume and behavior of figures. Setting is more significant in film than it is in theater. Setting can create narrative expectations, create realism, and help to shape how we understand story action. Lighting allows for the audience to see action, articulates textures, creates highlights and shapes a shot’s overall composition. Costumes supports the plot of the story by creating realistic looks and by providing balance to a scene using colors, textures and silhouette. Behavior of figures allow for the expression of feeling and thought in a film. The term figures can apply to anything from actors to props.
ReplyDeleteThese elements of Miss-en-scene can be seen in the movie Babel. Setting was used to differentiate between the story lines of each character. For example when we saw the crowded streets and buildings with many lights we knew the focus would be on Cheiko who was in Tokyo and when the setting changed to dessert and mountain tops we knew the focus was switched to Yussef and Ahmed who was in Morocco. Lighting was also used to show differences between the locations, in Morocco the lighting was a lot darker than the bright lights that were used in Tokyo. Costumes and props were used to support the story line when the nanny brought the children to Mexico. As they were driving into Mexico there were many people in bright, colorful clothing and many props like flags, crosses, border crossing signs and images of the Virgin of Guadalupe to indicate that they were in Mexico.
Mise-en-scene is a French word that literally means "placing on stage". Mise-en-scene is the arrangement of everything that appears on the screen. This includes actors, lighting, decorations, props, and costumes. Mise-en-scene is used by filmmakers to provoke the emotions and senses of the audience. It makes the audience feel a sense of realism.
ReplyDeleteExamples of mise-en-scene can be seen in the movie Juice. The film took place in the early 1990s in Harlem, New York and their way of dress reflected that. The characters were styled with clothing that was synonymous to this era, flannel shirts, baggy jean, and high-top fades. Also with lighting, when there was very suspenseful scenes the director used low-key lighting to make it feel the tension between all the characters.
Mise-En-Scene means "putting into scene". This process is simply setting the stage, mood, tone, and feel of whatever a director is trying to portray in his/her film. There are four aspects of Mise-En-Scene setting, lighting, costume, and behavior of figures.It provides a sense of what to feel and expect in the film as it expresses the aspects of characters and the mood of the film.
ReplyDeleteThe landscape in the middle east from the moive Babel provides a sense of how poor and lacking of resources the area was, along with the costumes of characters in that area.
The most common film technique that mostly everyone knows is the Mis-En-Scene, which means putting all the elements or components of a movie into scene. The purpose is to bring realism to films giving it a authentic look. Mis-En-Scene was originally applied to directing plays. It consisted of the setting, lighting, costume/makeup, and staging/performance.
ReplyDeleteAn example of Mis-En-Scene from a example in class would be the movie "Babel". In one scene of the movie "Babel" there is a scene where the tourist is shot through the bus. The scene starts on top of the mountain with the little boys from Morocco playing with the Rifle and then it goes back to the Americans on the bus. This component of Mis-En-Scene would be the costume/makeup and the setting to portray the tourist and the people who lived in the town showing the circumstances of where they lived in the desert. The lighting was natural from the sun, so it wasn't much need for more lighting to show the heat rays.
Another example of this hyperlinked movie is the transition from different countries and places to show the culture and differences of each individual family. Starting in Morocco, to Mexico and United States, to going all the way to Tokyo. The characters of each country were distinctively different and it showed the characteristics of each hyperlink's setting.
Mis-en-scene means to "set the scene." This is done by using probs, clothing, and using make-up to help the audience feel like they are in the scene.
ReplyDeleteAn example of mis-en-scene is in the movie The Great Gatsby the film is made to feel like you are in Roaring 20's era. The characters wear bright glittery costumes. The parties were big and exaggerated to show how during this era everyone seemed happy because America's economy was doing exceptionally well and the citizens were reaping the benefits. It also showed the American dream to be married and have a family. The main characters in the movie showed this by having the man as the head of the household and the wife being more of a housewife and more concerned with motherly duties. With all of these components help set the scene making it realistic to the audience making a mis-en-scene.
Mise en scene simply means to put into scene or basically setting the stage. Directors portray this by the use of costumes, lighting, props, location etc; the director is in charge of deciding what goes where, when, and how.
ReplyDeleteFor example in class we briefly watched a movie starring the lady with the yellow purse. Everything around her, her lifestyle was black and white pretty plain except for the fact that her purse was the only thing that stood out. Even when she cut herself by mistake at work she ran into the bathroom and was shocked of the red blood which brought her back to the past and what happened to her. The director has a way of using the characteristics of mis en scene to tell his or her story.
Mise en scène encompasses the most recognizable attributes of a film – the setting and the actors; it includes costumes and make-up, props, and all the other natural and artificial details that characterize the spaces filmed. This includes lighting costumes and setting.
ReplyDeleteIn war of the worlds Spielberg put in bacteria at the beginning of the movie which end up being the key to defeat the aliens in the attack. He showed the key but most people overlooked as another element in the film
Mise-en-Scene translates to “putting into scene”. The term represents the director’s control over what appears in the films frame. Mise-en-scene consists of four aspects: lighting, settings, costumes and behavior of figures. Lightning shapes objects in the scene by creating highlights and shadows. It also shapes the overall composition of the shot. Setting is important because it helps to create narrative expectations and realism. Costumes are used to help tell the story. Behavior of figures show how feelings are expressed thought the film.
ReplyDeleteIn the movie Babel, setting was important because it helped the audience know which character's storyline will be in the scene. For example, when the scene consisted of tall buildings and city lights we knew that we would be following Cheiko's story. Costumes were important because it helped differentiate the characters. You was able to tell difference between the wealthy characters and the poorer characters by their costumes.The lighting in Tokyo was more bright and city like while the lightning in Morocco was more dull and dark. Thought the movie you were able to see the feelings the characters were trying to express. For example, when Yussef smashed the rifle the audience was able to tell that he felt angry and was full of regret.
The mis-en-scene is the collection of the properties on a given set in the way are put together. Mise-en-scene of a film serve as the director's vision for the element of the film. Each director will have a different direction and vision for things such as character development, costumes, and settings.
ReplyDeleteSome of the elements of mis-en-scene include camera angles, lighting, costumes ,and props. Camera angles within the film can be high, low, close up,or long range with crane shots also use to catch shots from above the set. As this pertain to lighting, the two main uses of lighting low-key and high key lighting. Props and costumes are related because they can express certain features that characters present. These elements work together to form what audiences see on the screen.
Mis-en-scene means "placing of a scene". Basically filmmakers
ReplyDeletehas full control with what is going to be presented on film. Each aspect of Mis-en-scene such as the costumes, lighting, and behavior all presents a visual appearance and message on set.
The purpose of costuming is to dress an actor according to his character. For an example lawyers wear suits and nurses wear scrubs. This helps identify or introduce the character. Lighting is one of the greatest film elements that has the power to bring out emotions. There is low key lighting and high key lighting and director must use them in such a way that it make the object more appealing, surrounding it.
The placement of everything that appears in the framing of a film. Actors, lighting, props, and costume are all a part of Mise en scène, A French term that means “placing on stage.” The frame and camerawork in the film, are also considered part of the Mise en scène. In cinema, placing on the stage really means placing on the screen, and the director is in charge of deciding what goes where, when, and how its done.
ReplyDeleteMise- en-scene also meaning "putting into scene"there are four main aspects of Mise-en-scene, setting lighting, costume, and behavior of figures. setting plays a important role in film more than theater, the setting constructs a lot of what the audience sees. Props which is short for property, is an object that has a function within the ongoing action among the setting. Props are also used as motifs inside the scenes as well as color. Costume and makeup have aspecific function in Mise-en-scene, makeup enhances appearance of the actors on the screen changing actors to look like historical characters which is a common function of make up. Eyeliner and mascara is also used on characters to draw attention to the eye and emphasize the direction of the persons gaze.
ReplyDeleteLighting plays an important role in Mise-en-scene as well lighting is used for important reasons than just illumination. Within the frame lighter and darker areas help to create overall composition and thus guide our attention to certain objects and actions. Lighting creates highlights and shadows, highlights provide important cues to the textures of the surface, as far as shadows there are two basic types of shadows: attached shadow or shading and cast shadows. attached shadow occur when light fails to illuminate part of an object or if a person has a lit candle in a dark room patches of their face and body will fall into darkness, cast shadow will be the shadow on the wall behind because the body is blocking out the light. The performance of the figures also deals with Mise-en scene, the actors can be known as the figures, actors are looked at as verisimilitude which is the appearance of being true or real. Realistic performances may be created by giving the actors small bits of business to perform, while they speak their lines.
Mise-en-scene means "putting into scene". There are four elements of mise-en-scene, which are setting, lighting, costume, and behavior of figures. In film, setting is an important role because it serves as a backdrop to action within the film. For the setting, color serves as an important component. Whenever an object has an purpose within the setting, it is considered a prop.
ReplyDeleteLighting guides the audience attention to the action in scenes as well as, certain objects. It shapes these objects by creating highlights and shadows, which add texture. There are many different features of lighting such as hard, soft, frontal, back, side, under, top, high key and low key.
Costume is simply what is worn by the figures in the scene. It can be effectively used however to convey character or mood with the actors.
A figure is a person, animal, robot or object. We typically see actors as these figures, playing roles within films.
Mise-en-scene means "putting into scene". There are four elements of mise-en-scene.
ReplyDeleteThey include the components of setting, lighting, and behavior of figures. Props, camera angles, framing, movement and colors all help tell the story.
The props, actors ,lighting, and angles are put together to compose the directors vision and make up Mise En Scene.
Mise-en-Scene means setting up the scene. Setting up the design aspect, this means the visual theme. When used for cinema Mise - en- Scene refers to the actors, lighting, costumes and props. the setting is the most important part of setting the scene. It acts as a base of your film, when and where, the time of day, these are all factors when considering setting up a scene.
ReplyDeleteLighting is also important when filming. Lighting is more than just shining light on a person. There are different types of lighting that will illuminate your subject. There is key, fill and back lighting. These lights can also provide you with shadows that can enhance the look of your film. These types of shadows are called attached and cast. When filming there are two types of lights you can choose, these are; directional and diffused. Directional is a beam of light, this can cause harsh shadows. The second is diffused lighting. Diffused lighting is more of a spread light, there are no clearly defined shadows. - Brian Henderson
Mies-En-Scene is a french word which means "putting into scene."This word include the different aspects taking place behind the scenes the director puts into a film. The four aspects of Mise-en-scene are setting, lighting, costume, and behavior of figures. Setting plays a more important role in film. The lightning shapes the objects in the scene by creating what is called highlights and shadows. The costumes and behaviors of figures define the characters within a film.
ReplyDeleteAn example of Mise-en-scene is the costumes and behavior of the characters from the film Babel. The costumes and behavior of the characters signified there race, way of living. The behaviors of the characters in Babel show the differences in their cultures.
Mise-En-Scene is a french word which means "putting into scene."This word include the different aspects taking place behind the scenes the director puts into a film. The four aspects of Mise-en-scene are setting, lighting, costume, and behavior of figures. Basically mise en scene brings life and vivid imagery to a film to portray whatever needs to be displayed throughout that particular film.
ReplyDeleteD.Rashai Jones
Mise-En-Scene is a French term that means “Putting into the scene”. It typically includes four aspects: settings, lighting, costumes, and behavior of figures.
ReplyDeleteWhen using Mise-En-Scene, the setting of a film is more important than that of theater. Constructing a setting can be critical. Color and props are important components of a setting that can be used as motifs. Costumes of a film are fairly important because they help illustrate the storyline. The costumes can tell when and where the story is set as well as elaborate on a characters emotion through make up and color schemes. The lighting in a film is significant because it highlights and shows what elements are most important in a scene mostly through using shadows, key lighting, fill lighting and back lighting. Staging, movement, and performance help illustrate the behavior of figures.
Some scenes in the film Babel is an example of Mise-En-Scene. The clothes that the actors wear help clarify more about the characters since they’re from different parts of the world. The main prop (the rifle) help unite the plot of each story. This film is a great example of Mise-En-Scene.
-Tori R. Henry
Mise-En-Scene is translated to "putting into the scene". This describes the way a film maker arranges the scenery and stage properties in a film. The four aspects of mise-en-scene is setting, lighting, costumes, and actors. All four of the elements help contribute to the genre of the film. The director is in charge of deciding what goes where, when, and how. Mise-en-scene is designed to evoke emotions that permeate the whole movie. The setting design refers to the decor of the set, which includes, funiture props and the set itself. The director focuses on ways to create the setting that emphasizes the theme of the movie. Lighting also helps manipulate the movie. They're are two types of lighting: high key lighting and low key lighting. High key lighting is typically used in romance and musicals while low key lighting is used in horror and thriller films. The obvious purpose of costuming is to dress an actor according to his character. Costumes can also establish an actors status in the film. The color of a costume can distinguish an enemy from a friend.
ReplyDeleteMise-En Scene means "putting into scene. This is what directors and film critics use to analyze and arrange scenery. There are four major componets of mine-en-sence which are setting, costume, lighting, and behavior of characters or figures. When it comes to Mise- En- Scene every culture has its own ideal of realism when it came to films. Realism is what people in the audience during the certain culture seems to believe what is real during the time.
ReplyDeleteSetting is the whole scene all together, and an important part of the setting is the props that apart of the scene. A prop is something interacts throughout the ongoing action the story, and also some props can become important motifs in films. Motifs are important in film because they became important symbols that most critics and audience suppose to notice. Make up and Costume being another important part of Mise-en scene.Costume can have specific functions in the total film, and make up is suppose toenhances appearance of the actors on the screen. Changing actors to look like historical characters a common function of make up.lighting is more important than just illumination. Lighter and darker areas within the frame help to create overall composition and thus guide our attention to certain objects and actions. Shadows is also important part of lighting , in which there are two types of shadows. Those shadows are attached and cast shadows.
Mise-en-scene is a French term for "putting into scene". This is critical to any movie, network show, and Stage play. This is the thing that can represent the deciding moment of your creation. The Mise-en-scene is the establishment of the play and it holds everything out. The mise-en-scene breathes life into the maker and director vision, and it helps the gathering of people see the executives vision.
ReplyDeleteThe four aspects of Mise-en-scene are setting, lighting, costumes, and behavior of figures. Setting assumes a more critical part in film. The lightning shapes the articles in the scene by making what is called highlights and shadows. The outfits and practices of figures characterize the characters inside a film.
An example of this would be in the movie "Get Out" in the beginning it started off in new York where he was dating his white girlfriend where she lures him to her parents house in the out skirts off the city. along the way they are stopped by a cop and he asked for the man's ID in which she argues with the cop so that he can not see it and keeps his identity away from him.
Mise-En-Scene signifies "putting into scene". This procedure is basically setting the stage, state of mind, tone, and feel of whatever an executive is attempting to depict in his/her film. There are four parts of Mise-En-Scene: setting, lighting, costume, and behavior of figures. Inside a specific setting, you will have props or diverse items that have a capacity inside the continuous activity. Props can move toward becoming themes. Ensemble and make-up can likewise have particular capacities in film whether it is to upgrade the presence of a specific on-screen character on screen or to change performing artists into an authentic character. Lighting is the most vital component in silver screen since it makes the general structure and it controls the consideration of the crowd.
ReplyDeleteIn the film Babel in the scene when the American tourist gets shot, I feel that the executive needed the group of onlookers' complete consideration. He draws our consideration by shooting outrageous close-ups of the lady and her buddy as they ride the transport. As a watcher, I could feel the anticipation and I realized that something was coming. I anticipated that something would happen essentially as a result of the chief's feeling of mise-en-scene.
The term “Mise – en – scene” means “putting into scene” and is meant to define the elements used to design a theatrical or film performance. Methods such as creative writing, storyboarding, costume design, set design, lighting and/or pyrotechnics are often considered in the key elements in developing the ideal composition of verisimilitude and authenticity. Its responsible for setting the tone in the film, positioning the actors in proportionate areas on set, making the story correlate with the traditional plot structure and creating an alternative reality for the audience.
ReplyDeleteCostume, actors, set ratio, setting, story, makeup, acting, dialogue all are important attributes to the creation of the production. Without them, there wouldn’t be a film. The costumes are what the characters wear to express either their personality, the weather, setting or explicit or implicit themes or expressed generalizations and the actors help, through their action and movement, present differing ideas and opinions to the audience that most may not even consider rationalizing or applying to principle. The set ratio determines exactly the length, width and height of a rectangular image and provides multiple ways on observing the world before us. The story gives the audience a sense of relatedness with the actors, amplifying the likeliness of the character’s ability to give the film meaning, volume and depth with their performance. Makeup brightens the actor’s appearance so that they will be able to stand out and look appealing to the audience. Acting is, of course, contemporary to dialogue as they both bring life to a situation, occurrence or event that’s beneficial to the story arch and the success of the composition.
-Jaylon O’Neal
So whats "Mise - en - scene?"
ReplyDeleteIt is a French expression that refers to the design or the arrangement of everything as it appears in the framing of a film i.e. actors, décor, props, lighting, costumes and others. The term essentially means “telling a story” both in poetically artful ways and in visually artful ways through direction and storyboarding state design and cinematography.
The term mise-en-scene is called the film criticism grand undefined term. The term is so broad, and it defines and classifies a lot in the filming industry. The term roughly means to put into the scene or to place on stage.
It is also used to refer to the many single scenes that are within the film to represent the film. The term is broad, and it is also used among professional and experienced screenwriters to show descriptive or action paragraphs between the dialogs. This is because of its relationship to shot blocking.
Mise-en-scene, means to stage a scene. Arranging a series of components to create a visual as well as an audible scene. The term was originally used in theater as an idea for "staging". Once adopted into the world of film, it took on components such as framing, lighting, actors, setting, costume and make-up.
ReplyDeleteThe ideology of "Mise-en-scene" is one of if not the most important aspects of film. It effects every single scene in a film. with each scene being different, every scene provokes a different emotion and should be set a different way.
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ReplyDeleteMise-en-scene simply means nothing more but to put in scene. Everything and anything that helps compose the shot. Mise-en-scene has four components: setting, lighting, costumes, and behavior of characters. Mise-en-scene is all about taking all of those components and bringing a story to life. Each has their own characteristic which makes them just as important as the other. Setting presents, the picture of the film, lighting sets the mood, and the actors tell the story. Producers usually scout out different places for different settings in the movie. The setting in a movie is one of the main aspect that makes everything going on in the story believable. Lighting not only makes a subject stand out but it also can bring about an emotional response. High key lighting is usually associated with the more positive characters and we get a sense of safety with key lighting. Costume is what help shape the character besides behavior. A costume helps a viewer read the character beyond dialogue. The behavior or acting done by the characters can literally be the deciding factor in if a movie is good or bad. The way the story is presented lies on them completely. All in all, Mise-en-scene gives the audience a sense of realism or a certain feeling by catering to the senses.
ReplyDeleteSetting played a big part in the movie we watched in class Babel. With the story taking place in three different countries it helped to get across the message that we all are connected no matter where we are on Earth.
Mise-en-scene is a french phrase which means "Putting into scene." It was first used to practice of directing plays. It was later extended as an official term to film direction by film scholars to signify the director's control over what appears in the frame of the film. The key aspects of mise-en-scene are setting, lighting, costume, and the behavior of figures which all overlap with the art of the theater.
ReplyDeleteAnother important aspect of mise-en-scene is controlling it, which is what happens when a director stages the action for the camera. The director controls the behavior of various figures in the mise-en-scene. In terms of Figures it could mean people as well as animals. There could also be a control of facial expressions and movements which opens up avenue of acting within the scene which creates and sense of Actuality.
Mise-en-scene means putting into scene. The aspects of it include setting, lighting,costume and behavior of figures. The concept of mise-en-scene is to help break down the components of a basic film. Setting is important because it shows where the film takes place. With out setting it would be hard for viewers to understand the place and time of the film. If a film was taking place during 2017 and the plot is about a post apocalyptic place then the story would be hard to follow. In the movie babel the movie took place in Mexico, America, China and in the middle east. The setting in all these places were important because it help make the movie make sense. For an example when the nanny and her nephew and the kids she was baby sitting crossed the border into Mexico and then tried to come back. The setting here was important because crossing the border is a major issue today so viewers were able to understand the importance of the officers asking for papers regarding the children and the seriousness of the nephew just choosing to drive off. Lighting is important in films because too much would be too bring and not enough will betray things to be darker.
ReplyDeleteCostumes are imperative because they have to go with the setting and relate to a character. If a character works in a coal mine then his or her clothes would be dirty. In the movie The Birth of a Nation, characters who played as slaves were wearing rags or ripped clothes to highlight their struggles and how poor they were and how bad they were treated. The white owners wore better clothing. Also in babel the Asian girl wore school clothes and a volleyball uniform because she was a student. What actors wear in films are very important and add much meaning into a story. The behavior of characters are also key factors in a film because it helps move the plot along. In The Birth of a Nation slaves were picking cotton and slave owners where whipping and killing slaves. The purpose for actors to act accordingly to their role is so that viewers can believe the action that is happening. If an actor is doing something that does not make sense, viewers will not be able to enjoy the film as intended. All of these aspects in mise-en-scene relate with each other and if one is not done correctly then the others fall short and can result in a bad film.
Mise en scène envelops the most conspicuous qualities of a film – the setting and the on-screen characters; it incorporates outfits and make-up, props, and the various regular and manufactured points of interest that describe the spaces taped. The term is obtained from a French dramatic expression, which means generally "put into the scene". As it were, mise-en-scène depicts the stuff in the casing and the way it is appeared and orchestrated. It has four general zones: setting, lighting, ensemble and arranging. Setting creates both a sense of place and a mood and it may also reflect a character’s emotional state of mind. This arrangement of key, fill, and backlight provides even illumination of the scene and, as a result, is the most commonly used lighting scheme in typical narrative cinema.Arguably the most easily noticeable aspect of mise-en-scene is costume. Costume can include both makeup or wardrobe choices used to convey a character’s personality or status, and to signify these differences between characters.An actor or actress’s performance can make or break a movie regardless of how engaging the story is.
ReplyDeleteMise-En-Scene is an expression used to describe setting the stage of a film or theatre production. It involves everything from composition to props, make-up, set, actors, costumes and lighting. So basically everything that you are going to be seeing on screen before the camera. This "setting the stage" process is what goes into helping the director set the mood or the tone for the film which is what brings their vision together as a whole.
ReplyDeleteBecause miss-en-scene is such an important aspect of the film, it can be group along with importance of cinematography as well as editing to bring about the realness and actual being there in the eyes of the viewers. Each individual aspect of the things mentions above play a role. The set or location sets the dominant mood and can be used to amplify character emotion as well as cultural significance. The lighting as well as intensity or position of the lighting can influence anything from mood/emotion, time of day, themes or action. Makeup and costume influence character traits and can be informative to what time period the film is reflecting. Each individual element make up the mise-en-scene.
Mise en scene is a term used to describe the arrangement of scenery and stage properties in a play. This can include everything from actors , lighting , decor , props , and costumes. The framework and camera work are also considered a part of this.
ReplyDeleteMiss-En-Scene is considered a French term that means "Putting into Scene" or action. Used to describe theater production that typically includes four major aspects: settings, lighting, costumes/makeup, and behavioral of figures. Some scenes in the film babel is an example of Miss-en-Scene. The clothes that the actors wear help clarify more about the characters since they are from different parts of the world.
ReplyDeleteRealism is what people in the audience during the certain culture seems to believe what is real during the time. Setting the whole scene together and an important part of setting is the props that apart the scene. A prop is something that interacts throughout the ongoing action.
Mise-en-scène was applied to film in the 1950s by the French critics writing at Cahiers du Cinéma (Notebooks on Cinema). They borrowed it from French theater, where it essentially referred to everything that appears on the stage (it literally means “putting in the scene”). The thinking was that a film’s mise-en-scène consisted of everything that the camera sees: the setting, the lighting, the actors, their performances(including blocking), costumes, makeup, props. It also referred to how those elements were arranged within the frame—in other words, it was synonymous with the shot’s composition.
ReplyDeleteMise-en-scene is simply a term used to help describe the different aspects connected with film. Therefore, elements such as the visual aspects in a film fall under mise-en-scene. Mise-en-scene or also known as "putting into scene", is applied to cinema, when referring to the lighting, actors, costumes, props and even composition. Where actors are placed on set can ultimately play a huge part as well.
ReplyDeleteMise-en-scene involves a lot of people. For example, the director and producer must work in correlation. The costume designer and director must as one as well. The production designer is another key component as well when trying to master mise-en-scene.
The arrangement of everything that appears in the framing – actors, lighting, décor, props, costume – is called mise-en-scène, a French term that means “placing on stage.” The frame and camerawork are also considered part of the mise-en-scène of a movie.
ReplyDeleteIn cinema, placing on the stage really means placing on the screen, and the director is in charge of deciding what goes where, when, and how.David A. Cook, in his book A History of Narrative Film, points out how a mise-en-scène is formed by all the elements that appear “within the shot itself, as opposed to the effects created by cutting.” In other words, if it’s on the screen and if it’s a physical object recorded by the camera, then it’s part of the mise-en-scène.
Mise-en-scene means putting into scene. This word is derived from French. For a more broken down meaning it is the arrangement of scenery and stage properties in a play. The four aspects of mise-en-scene are setting, lighting, costume and behavior of figures. An important concept of mise-en-scene is to break down the components of a film. Setting is one of the more important aspects because it plays a more important role in film than theatre. Also without setting it would be difficult for the audience to know where the film took place. Another important aspect would be lightning. Hard and soft lightning; Low-key and high-key lightning are used while shooting a film. Costume and makeup which is another aspect of mis-en-scene plays a big role in film. This aspect enhances the characters looks in the film.
ReplyDeleteFor example in class we watched a film by the name of Babel. The two main characters were American but the movie had many settings such as Mexico, China, and the middle-east. In each setting there were different characters to help the settings make sense. Also costumes were important because you were able to separate the poor from the more fortunate. With the American family being in the film they were traveling in the middle-east on a mini vacation but you could identify that because of their looks and the middle-eastern people makeup looks were assumed to make them look dirty and tired.
Mise-en-scene means to "put into scene". Four aspects of mise-en-scene are setting, lighting, costume, and behavior of figures. Setting plays a more important role in film than theatre. Lighting with lighter and darker areas within the frame help create overall composition and thus guide our attention.Costumes can have specific functions in the total film.Make up enhances appearance of the actors on the scene. Lastly, behavior of figures includes movement/performances, gestures , facial expressions and more.
ReplyDeleteFor an example , in the music film " Every breath you take" we see many examples of silhouette lighting. We also see a motif; in which is a circle shape in this film. Its constantly repeated and is connected to something. There's also a great example of side lighting in this film, where the artist features are sculpted.
Mise-en-Scene in movie intends to "put in front of an audience", "put into the scene", or "organizing an activity" and alluded to the outline and course of the whole creation. The components of mise-en-scene are setting, lighting, costume, and behavior of figure.Settings assume a critical part in film more than theater.
ReplyDeleteSettings, for example, props, assume a vital part in film moreover. In such motion pictures like "Marnie", by Alfred Hitchcock, the yellow sack as a prop that had a huge impact in the film. The yellow awful stood out among whatever remains of the setting seeing that it was a warm shading versus the set, which was cool colors, indicating how vital the pack was and how the shading was noteworthy. The sack's pertinence was that it had the cash in it that the female had stolen. Later on in the film a similar lady that had the sack disposed of the yellow pack and was not any more a dull hair lady and was currently light. At that point at one point the lady spilled some red ink which helped her to remember some awful circumstances throughout her life.
-Aubrey Brown
Mise-En-Scene is a French term that means "putting into scene". It usually means four different aspects including lighting, behavior of figures, costumes and settings. These four aspects make up an entire movie.
ReplyDeleteMise-En-Scene helps make the movie clear by using all of these different elements, it is very important to have these aspects clearly represented during the movie.
Color and props are also important components of mise-en-scence because they help tell the setting of a movie. Costumes are important for a film as well because they help to tell the storyline of a movie, the costumes can also tell us when the story was set as well as where the story was set. Also, costumes can help the audience go into deeper detail about a character's emotion by seeing their makeup.
For an example, in the movie Babel the makeup and costume makes it clear to the audience what country each character is trying to depict. I was able to tell which character was from America and which character was from Moroccan. The lighting from the different scenes made it clear to the audience the time of day and the mood of the scene being presented.
Mise-En-Scene is the arrangement of everything that appears in the frame from actors, décor, lighting, props, setting, and costume. One of the film elements that has the greatest power to proved emotions is lighting, lighting must be manipulated by the director to accommodate his or her desires for their movie. In broad terms, the two types of lighting approaches are low-key lighting and high-key lighting. Many have no clue that setting creates both a sense of place and a mood and it may also reflect character’s emotional state of mind. For example in the movie Friday Night Lights the setting of the football displayed the emotions of the players on that final play when they didn't get inside the end zone to win the game, the pure disappointment in there face said it all.
ReplyDeleteMise-en-scene of a film can serve as the director's vision for the element of the film. Each director will have a different direction and vision for things such as character development, costumes, and settings. When filming a movie you have to be priciest on what type of frame you want in the movie, because a bad shot could ruin the scene. It's important to have Misc-en-scene presented clearly in the film. Audience member should be able to follow the movie and understand each element, Misc-en-scene helps makes the elements of the movie clear.
Mise-en-Scene is a French term used in directing plays, meaning “Putting into the scene”. This word indicates the different aspects taking place behind the scenes that the director puts into the film; these aspects include: lighting, setting, costumes, and makeup. One concept of Mise-en-scene is Realism; realism is significant not only to the director but to the audience. By resembling reality, the director can furthermore connect with his or her audiences. Mise-en-scene is the stage where the director is creating the platform for the film.
ReplyDeleteAn example of a prop is the rifle in the movie Babel. The rifle plays an important role in the movie. A Japanese hunter sells a rifle to a man in Morocco. The Moroccan man's youngest son was playing target practice with the gun and shot at a tour bus which caused the death of an American.
Mise-en-scene is a french term meaning putting into scene. The four elements of mise-en-scene are setting, lighting, behavior of figures, and costume which is all needed in giving the audience a better interpretation of the movie. Setting is an important aspect because it plays an important part in film rather than theatre. Lighting is also essential where you have the hard and soft lighting :low and high key lighting which helps with the overall composition. Costumes helps the character overall look in the film as well as behavior of figures which is the movements and facial expression.
ReplyDeleteIn the movie Babel,each scene has a setting the characters are in which are either the U.S., Morocco, Japan, or Mexico. The makeup and costumes helps the audience to determine where are they by dressing like that particular culture. Also, in Babel we saw a lot of gestures and expressions from the deaf girl in example, at the party how although she couldn't actually hear the music, us being in her perspective the lighting played a key role in that scene where it kept transitioning from her face to the lights to the people dancing . Natural lighting was prevalent throughout the movie.
-Alexis Smith
Misenscene is putting into scene and consists of four different aspects including setting, costume/make-up, lighting, and behavior of figures. Lighting is an important part producing low and high key lighting helps create a tone. For example bright lighting can be viewed as happiness, dark lighting represents tension and fear and so does shadows. The usage of costume and make-up can make a character look even more intense, such as describing their mood, personality, social status, etc. The setting focuses on time of day and location and it is important in a movie because it can give the audience an idea of the environment that the events are taking place in and can tell them essentially what to expect. Behavior of figures explain the feelings being expressed throughout the film showing the character's characteristics.
ReplyDeleteDifferent alternatives the director has include making sure the shots are aligned with the depth of the screen and making sure there is enough space for the shots.
Mise-en-Scene is a French term meaning "putting into scene". Mise-en-scene indicates the different aspects taking place behind the scene that the director puts into the film; these aspects include: lighting, setting, costumes, and makeup. One concept of Mise-en-scene is Realism; realism is significant to both the audience and the director. By doing this, the director is relating more to it's audience. Mise-en-scene is the stage where the director is creating the platform for the film.
ReplyDeleteThe most important component is setting, which is the location where the film is taking place: the setting is used to help the audience interpret the plot of the story better. The second most important element is lighting, which illuminates the images being filmed. Lighter shot frames tend to draw the audience’s attention to certain objects, while darker shot frames tend to create a general composition. Textures are also expressed through a form of lighting called highlights. Lastly, is costume and makeup, which brings the characters to life. For example in different movies or shows, characters undergo costumes or excessive makeup to help make that character more realistic. Actors in horror movies experience this aspect the most.
Mise-en-scene means putting into scene. There are four aspects of mise-en-scene which are;setting, lighting, costumes/makeup, and behavior of figures.
ReplyDeleteSetting not only focuses on the scene being shot at but the colors, texture, and props/ motifs as well. Costume/makeup is what enhances the appearance of the actors. This is what makes their character come to life.
Lighting has many factors from high key to low key lighting; highlights and shadows; front, side, back, under and top lighting; as well as fill and key lighting. This has to be the most important role of mise-en-scene. Behavior of figures focuses on the movement and performance of the actors. All of these together are what makes mise-en-scene.
Mise-en-Scene in film means to "put into scene", or bringing together the setting, lighting, costume and behavior of characters to create one production. In creating Mise-en-Scene, all these components make a difference. The props, setting, lighting, camera movements and angles, and colors that may be in the film all make a difference andcreate Mise-en-Scene.
ReplyDeleteA prop can be apart of this but is better known as a motif like the yellow purse in the movie it reoccurs more than once and has a meaning behind it. Colors are important too! The different lighting is too you have high key lighting as well as low key lighting fill and key lighting. Behavior of figures is the movement and performance of the actors and this makes up miss-en-scene
Mise-en-scene originated in the theater and is used in film to refer to everything that goes into the composition of a shot--framing. Mise-en-scene translates to “Putiing into Scene.” Its four aspects: Setting, lighting, costume, and behavior of figures are the functions of Mise-en Scene. All of these aspects in mise-en-scene work together and are key components when creating a good film. Combining props, make-up, set, actors, costumes and lighting, together, form a basic film.
ReplyDeleteThese components serve important roles in film, for example, Babel. The shot gun in that film was used as a prop/motif and also served as a connection between all of the characters. The shot gun itself began the story and ended the story. Props, short for property, is the usage of an object has a function within the ongoing action. Another example is the shower curtain in the film psycho.
Mise-en-scene simply mean putting into scene. There are four major aspects of mise-en-scene. Setting aspects plays a more important role in film than in theater. Within the setting, color is the most important aspect. Props are objects that have a function within the ongoing action. Props can become a motif or something that is reoccurring within the film that has a deeper meaning. Costumes and make up are another aspect of mise-en-scene. Costumes can have specific functions in the total film. Make up enhances appearances of the actors on the screen. Eyeliner and mascara can draw attention to the eyes and direct the gaze. Lighting is the next aspect of mise-en-scene. Lighting is greater than illumination, but helps a overall composition and thus guides our attention. There are many different lighting qualities and directions of light that are also important. The behavior of figures is the final aspect of mise-en-scene and basically just means the characters and they way they are important in the film and the their activities.
ReplyDeleteMisc-en-scene is a french term that means to "put into scene." There are four major elements of misc-en-scene are setting, lighting, costumes, and behavior of figures. All these components are brought together for the basic creation of a film. The setting of a film is significant because it helps the audience better understand the plot and many other aspects of the film. Lighting is important because it shapes certain objects by creating highlights and shadows, which brings attention to certain things the director wants the audience to see. Costumes simply bring the different characters to life and make them appear more realistic.
ReplyDeleteFor example, in the film Babel, the misc-en-scene made it easier for the audience to understand the film as a whole. With the 4 different settings, the lighting in the different scenes, and the different attire that the characters wore to tie in with their culture, the audience was able to make their own interpretation of the film based on the things they saw that brought it together.
Another aspect of misc-en-scene is realism. Notions of realism vary across cultures, overtime, and even among individuals. Realism in films is significant to both the audience and the director because it helps the director to connect more with the audience. With realism tying into the misc-en-scene of a film, it gets the audience more emotionally invested into the film as they begin to feel with the characters.
The term, Mise-en-Scene, means "putting into the scene". It consist of 4 aspects:Setting, lighting, costume, and behavior of figures. The setting Plays a more important role in film than theater. In Babel each of aspects of Misc-en-scene is apparent. The director gives each setting a distinctive look to tell audience member where each character is. When it came to costumes, when the setting changed from different country to country, the characters had on distinctive clothing, showing their cultural and where they were from.
ReplyDeleteThe audience members could tell which person was Moroccan and which was American. The lighting for each scene lets the audience know the time of day and the mood of the scene. and the behaving of the characters where based of the scripts in the movie.
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ReplyDeleteMise-En Scene means "putting into scene”. Film critics and directors use this to analyze and arrange scenery. There are four aspects of mise en sence. They are setting, costume, lighting, and the behavior of characters or figures. Every culture has its own definition of realism, especially when it comes to films. Realism is what people in the audience believe is real during the time of the film or play. This can be bias depending on culture or background.
ReplyDeleteSetting is the whole scene all together, and an important part of the setting is the props that are apart of the scene. A prop is a thing or object that has interaction throughout the ongoing action the story, and also some props can become important motifs in films. Motifs are important in film because they became important symbols that most critics and audience are suppose to notice. Make up and Costume being another important part of Mise-en scene. Costumes can have specific functions in the film as a whole , and make up is supposed to enhance appearance of the actors on the screen. Changing actors to look like historical characters are a common function of make up. Lighting is more important than just illumination. Lighter and darker areas within the frame help to create overall composition and which guides our attention to certain objects and actions. Shadows are also an important part of lighting. There are two types of shadows, attached and cast and depending on the type of movie and or scene this can have an effect on the audiences ability to find realism
Mise-En Scene means" putting into scene". a films look, as created by its sets, props, costumes, lightnings, photography, and actor's postures and proximity, making the film visible universe and generating much of its mood and meaning. In the Alford Hitchcock movie we watched in class the color yellow was a example of Mise-En scene because it was shown multiple occasions in background, set, and costumes and also in the character's hair.
ReplyDelete-Toryan Bell
ReplyDeleteMise-en-Scene in film means to "put into scene", or bringing together in french.This basically refers to the aspects that are need to create your film.The four elements of mise-en-scene are setting, lighting, behavior of figures Which are just your characters, and costume.
The setting is the most critical piece of setting the scene. It goes about as a base of your film, when and where, the season of day, these are altogether factors while thinking about setting up a scene. Lighting is also important when filming. Lighting is more than just shining light on a person. There are different types of lighting that will illuminate your subject. There is key, fill light and backlighting.The lightning shapes and surrounds the objects in the scene by creating highlights and shadows.You can have either an attached or cast shadow.These highlights and shadows create unique emotions and vibes for a film. The costumes and behaviors of figures define the characters within a film.Costume can be described as what is worn by the figures in the scene. It is most commonly used to portray a character or feel from the actors.
An example of mise en scene from class was in ”Babel” The director made the clothes that the actors wear help tell the characters story since they're from various parts of the world. and the rifle is the prop that connects them.
- Toryan Bell
Mise-en-scene consists of all the elements placed in front of the camera to be photographed: settings, props,lighting, costumes, makeup, and figure behavior (meaning actors, their
ReplyDeletegestures, and their facial expressions). In addition, mise-en-scene includes the camera’s actions and angles and thecinematography, which simply means photography for motion pictures.
Even though many professionals are involved in its creation, the director is the one who oversees the entire mise-en-scène and all of its elements. Not just that, but during the early stages of pre-production, the director or his AD sits down with set designers, prop masters, location managers, costume designers, and scenic artists to determine the look and feel intended.In some instances, the mise-en- scène is designed to evoke emotions that permeate the whole movie
Miss-en-scene simply means putting into scene and the elements of this are essential to the foundation of a well put together film. The first element would be the the setting. Setting plays a more important role in film than in the theatre and color is the most important aspect within in the setting. Props are objects with functions within the setting. Props can also be used as motifs through out a film. Costume and make up is the element that characters wear to create the film. Costumes can have specific functions through out a film and the make up can enhance the characters appearance. The lighting element helps create a overall composition and thus guides the audience’s attention. Finally the behaviors of figures element directly deals with the characters and how they act and develop within the film.
ReplyDeleteMise-en scéne was one of the first technical terms I have learned this semester upon entering the Mass Communication program. The term is a form of expression used to describe items being placed in the framing of cinematography as well as stage design. It was very interesting to learn that there is a form of expression being placed in each and every movie and television show. To think that a lamp was carefully placed in a scene for some sort of reason was something I have never thought about. Not only is Mise-en scéne about what goes into each frame but characters, props, and different kinds of lighting plays a part as well. It is a concept of “telling a story” and describing the setting.
ReplyDeleteUpon learning about Mise-en scéne there were several scenes the class and I were shown for better understanding. One of the scenes that was shown was “The Graduate” the church scene. Upon analyzing, we were pointed out to the several crosses in the church as well as the cross being used as a weapon. The cross being used as a weapon relates to mise-en scene as being a prop being placed there for use.
The concept of Mise-en-Scene (Original French) is “putting into scene” and was first applied to the practice of directing plays. In controlling the mise-en-Scene, the director stages the event for the camera.
ReplyDeleteThe Four aspects of Mise-en-Scene are setting, lighting, costume, and behavior of figures. Color can become a motif and props can be used as well. The setting in a movie is where you set the tone. If you didn’t have a setting then the movie would be boring. Lighting in a movie plays a major role. Lighter and darker areas within the frame help create the overall composition of each shot and thus guide our attention to certain objects and actions. The two types of shadows are attached and cast shadow. An attached shadow occurs when light fails to illuminate part of a object and a cast shadow is when a object or person is partially illuminated because something is blocking its light source. Costumes and makeup are basically making a character who they are for the movie. Costumes can play important motivic and casual roles in narrative. Makeup has been used to enhance the appearance of actors on film. The behavior of figures (Staging: Movement and Performace, Acting and Actuality, Acting: Functions and Motivation, Acting in the Context of Other Techniques).
The film Psycho that we saw in class had different lighting effects used. When the women was in the bathroom taking a shower and the guy was stabbing her with the knife.
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DeleteMise-En Scene means "putting into scene”. Film critics and directors use this to analyze and arrange scenery. There are four aspects of mise en sence. They are setting, costume, lighting, and the behavior of characters or figures. Every culture has its own definition of realism, especially when it comes to films.Four aspects of Mise-en-Scene are setting, lighting, costume, and behavior of figures.
DeleteSetting plays a more important role in film than in the theatre and color is the most important aspect within in the setting.mise-en-scene includes the camera’s actions and angles and thecinematography, which simply means photography for motion pictures. There is key, fill light and backlighting.The lightning shapes and surrounds the objects in the scene by creating highlights and shadows.
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ReplyDeleteMise-En Scene is the staging of events for the camera the arrangement of everything that appears in the framing. The Four aspects of Mise-En Scene is actors action, lighting, décor, props, costumes/make up. Mise-En Scene is a very important aspect in film it connects with the importance of cinematography as well as editing to give a film a real feel and actual have the audience feel like they are there. In the film we watched in class Raising Arizona the scene were the guy steals diapers. the diapers was the prop in that film. That was the main signifier the whole scene in the film. Another example of prop that was significant in the film Psycho is the shower curtain.
The arrangement of everything that appears in the framing such as actors, lighting, décor, props, and costumes is called mise-en-scène. This is a French expression that signifies "putting in front of an audience" are the elements of mise-en-scene. This is very important in film because what the viewers see pictured is primarily the focus whereas commentary adds to the visual. The edge and camerawork are additionally viewed as components of mise-en-scène through motion pictures. In film, setting truly implies putting on the screen being that it embodies the visuals we see and associate the scenes with.
ReplyDeleteMise-en-Scene means to put into the scene. While the screenplay is important in constructing a film or play, mise-en-scene is what brings a production to life and helps the director portray how they see the production in their head. Lighting, costume, setting, and movement breath life into a production and make it unique.
ReplyDeleteFor example, if a film is set in the 1700's and characters are wearing Nikes and digital watches, the audience are obviously going to notice. This lack of attention to detail can become distracting and counterproductive. Aspects of mise-en-scene such as character movement are vital in directing the attention of the audience an lighting helps set the mood for a production.
In English Mise-en-scene stands for "putting on stage." This can mean anything used in a film to bring the film to life. Props are a good example of this. When you think of a movies you have to think of everything in front of the camera. Think of things like a characters make up, clothing, or even a background.
ReplyDeleteFor example, lets think of a cop in a movie. First things you will see is his blue uniform, his gun, and his badge. Another good example would be the cop car. In a film these are all props.
-Deonte Jackson
In film techniques, mise-en-scene is the one that viewers notice most. It originates from French. It was first applied to the practice of directing plays. Then the term was extended to film direction. It overlaps the art of the theater which are setting, lighting, costume and makeup, and staging and performance. It brings a film purpose. Some films or scenes are based on a certain prop.
ReplyDeleteAn example would be in the scene of Raising Arizona where the dad went to go steal diapers. The prop was the diapers. The whole scene was based on that. The action of him stealing them and trying to run away from the cops at the same time, setting of were it took place, and the clothes he had on brought action to the scene.
Mise-En-Scene is a French term defined as "putting into scene." This is everything that the audience sees. The main four aspects of Mise-en-scene are setting, lighting, costume, and behavior of figures. Color and props can be used as well to make up a scene.
ReplyDeleteOne of the most important aspects is the setting. Without a setting, a director's film would be nothing as it sets the tone of what may and will happen. The next important thing is costumes. Costumes can include hair, makeup, attire, and sometimes props. This may allow the audience to understand the actor's role in the movie. For an example, if a person on set is wearing an orange jumpsuit, messy or an unkempt hairstyle, and handcuffs the audience will understand that the character is an inmate. Lighting creates the overall composition of the frame. Finally, the behavior of characters allows the audience to interact with the film meaning that if the character does something funny the audience can respond with laughter.
Mise en Scene is the arrangement of everything that appears in the framing actors, lighting, decor, props, costume. The term is a French term that means “placing on stage." Mise en scene is intact in film to evoke emotions and make the story relate-able for the audience .
ReplyDeleteTo understand the characters and background setting in a movie, the lighting , dialect in language and make up in set design creates the reality for the film. The clothing , props and accents tie into the characters role , which can enhance the understanding of what each character represents and what the purpose of the film is establishing.
Mise en Scene is the arrangement of scenery and stage properties. It is basically the setting of an event or action in the movie/film. The term is French but it is used in all film directories all over the world.
ReplyDeleteMise En Scene describes literally everything in the film. The audience pays attention to every detail in the film which us why this term is so important. The clothes the characters wear, the props used in the scene, all corelate with Mise En Scene. It really ties the entire film together.
Mise en Scene - In French is used to depict of a theatre or film. In it's representation its show what all takes place on stage during a movie or film or performance.
ReplyDeleteMise- en - Scene is sued to help show , how emotion, lighting , costumes props, makeup and different camera angles play a big factor in a how film may look to the audience and also all the work that goes behind a film to make it what it is
Mise en scène means placing on stage in French and is a common term in film analysis and criticism. Mise en scène refers to what is seen onscreen in a film meaning the film’s visuals, all of the elements that appear on camera, and their arrangement. Many different factors contribute to the visuals including setting, decor, lighting, depth of space, costumes, and makeup.
ReplyDeleteThe frame and camerawork are also considered part of the mise-en-scène of a movie. In cinema, placing on the stage really means placing on the screen, and the director is in charge of deciding what goes where, when, and how. Mise-en-scène is formed by all the elements that appear within the shot itself, as opposed to the effects created by cutting. In other words, if it’s on the screen and if it’s a physical object recorded by the camera, then it’s part of the mise-en-scène.
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ReplyDeleteMise-en-scene is a french expression used to describe the design aspect of theatre or film production, which essentially means "visual theme" or "telling a story". The five components that make up mise-en-scene is actors, lighting, decor, props, and costume/make-up. Mise-en-scene can be storyboarding, stage design, and cinematography. A prime example would be the clip shown in class of the woman running away to her new life. The color yellow was constantly being emphasized indicating a small meaning behind it. Mise-en-scene is literally anything that appears on screen; the set, the actors, costume, lighting and overall movement.
ReplyDeleteA more specific example of mise-en-scene would be the opening to the movie Kane where they create a dark and dreary setting to set the tone at the beginning of the film. Some different alternatives may the director may have in relation to "staging the action" include hairstyles the actors wear whether it be dramatic or simple to indicate things such as the characters demographic or social status.
Mise-en-scene is a french expression that means "putting into scene"or putting on a show. You have certain aspects that help tie together to makeup mise-en-scene which are props,lighting,decor,costume/makeup. Color and props can help give you a motif in a film. Then you have setting and lighting that play a major in films as well. An example of Mise-en-scene would be in the movie Moonlight,it took place in Miami where all the action happens and where the characters set the tone.
ReplyDeleteMise-En-Scene is a French term defined as "putting into scene." This is everything that the audience sees. The main four aspects of Mise-en-scene are setting, lighting, costume, and behavior of figures. Color and props can be used as well to make up a scene.
ReplyDeleteFor example, lets think of a cop in a movie. First things you will see is his blue uniform, his gun, and his badge. Another good example would be the cop car. In a film these are all props.
Mise-en-scene is a french term that means " placing on stage " or " put into scene". A Mise-en-scene is not a Mise-en-scene without its four arrangements. The arrangements of everything that appears in the framing actors are lighting, behavior figures, setting and wardrobe. It also includes other natural and artificial details that characterize the spaces filmed. For example, distorted shapes a claustrophobic scenery are implemented to disturb the audience and enhance the horror. The Mise-en-scene can be the look and feel of the film.The Mise-en-scene can play a important factor in a film.
ReplyDeleteMise-en-scène is a French term and was created in the theater. It denotative meaning is "put in the scene." Mise-en-scène can be defined as the delivery of filmic space, and its exact space that it is about. Setting, lighting, costume and makeup are the four different components in Mise-en-scène. The most significant factor is setting, which is the site of which the film is taking place: the director base the setting for us as spectators to understand the narrative’s plot well.
ReplyDeleteMise-en-scene is the french term meaning "put into scene".You judge the visual presentation and the story it tells when you examine the mise en scène of a movie. Mise en scene leads to creating a sense of place, a sense of character, a mood. There are four elements of Mise-en-scene, and they are setting, lighting, costume, and make-up. Setting is where where we are can reveal a lot about a character’s mood and state of mind. Lighting is is a key contributor to a film’s look and feel, as well. How an actor looks in a scene can determine a lot about them, like whether they are rich or poor, happy or sad, good or bad. It always the colors that represent many things when it comes to costumes, and makeup. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory would not have the same visual impact Johnny Depp were dressed in jeans and a T-shirt instead of his classic and recognizable purple velvet long coat, patterned silk vest, and his Bell Topper hat.
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ReplyDeleteMise-en scene is the term meaning put into scene. It can be described for theater. This is how the audience interprets what's being shown. The four components of this term is setting, lighting, costume, and makeup. One example of this is, if there is a traumatic part of a scene then the lighting might dim. To give off the emotion that it is sad.
ReplyDeleteThis terms sets the audience's mood and how it puts you in feeling. Makeup for example in the movie Avatar there was great makeup displayed in this movie. With the whole looks and how they put the characters with the props to make them look realistic. Makeup and costume always go hand and hand, because it enhances the character. This puts the feel on how the character fits with the scene.
Mise-en scene means to put into scene or in other words can be described for theater. The 4 components of Mise-en scene are makeup, lighting, costume, and setting. Which all of those play a big role in movie making, television, or in theater. All of those components set us how the audience will react to whatever it is that they are watching. They all have to match the mood of the scene and make it make sense.Everything has to tie in together with each other or it wont look right or the audience may not be engaged as they should be.
ReplyDeleteFor plays in the theater i really thing those 4 components really matter the most because its live and they are right in front of the audience and they see everything. SO they really have to portray the emotion very well, as well as the makeup, their costumes, the settings of the play, and also the lighting.
Mise-En-Scene is produce of four different aspects. Lighting, Setting, behavior figures, and costumes. Other details are included in this to add to film production but color along with natural and artificial details help with Mise-En-scene. The word originally originates from a French term meaning, “to put into scene” or “place unto the stage.” For example if you saw a movie about war, you will men in military like combat gear, guns, and most times location and settings are always in the foreign country similar to a desert like area.
ReplyDeleteMies-En-Scene means "putting into scene" in french. this is used in film making as four aspects. Setting, lighting, costume, and behavior of figures. Setting plays a more important role in film which indicates where the film takes place. The lightning shapes the objects in the scene by creating highlights and shadows also costumes and behaviors of figures define the characters in the film.
ReplyDeleteFor example in "when they see us" they clothing, hairstyles,and even the dialogue is a great example of Mise-En-Scene.
Mise-en-scene is a term that came from the french that means"placing on stage". Mise-en-scene is the arrangement of everything that appears in the framing: actors, lighting, décor, props, costume all of which makes up a film or television or stage play. It is basically everything that we see. It exist to evoke emotions from the viewing audience that it targets. It often times is action that the director controls.
ReplyDeleteIn the movie "Get Out" the opening scene we see is dark and we see a black guy walking the streets at night and someone appears to be following him. This very scene is an exact account of 'Art Imitating life" this scene is sort of the situation with Trayvon Martin in a sense because as we know he was walking alone at night and George Zimmerman began following him. I believe the director Jordan Peele knew by placing this scene at the beginning it with evoke emotion. Specifically, the same type of emotion we got when we learned the story of Trayvon Martin. Ultimately it foreshadowed the themes and messages of the film, and that is what Mise-en-scène is all about.
The concept of Mise-en-scene is basically to bring the audience into the movie. More importantly, how can the direct get the audience to think and feel a certain way or pay attention/understand a certain message . Its components could include Set design, costumes, characters, color, light,shade, etc. Those are all elements that help bring the movie together . The placement of things such as props, characters, and even the order of each scene help tell the story.
ReplyDeleteFor example, in the movie "Babel", lighting, costumes, makeup,props, and set design were used to help the audience understand the difference between the four groups of people but also their connection as well. The film took place on three different continents in the cities of San Diego, Morocco, and Tokyo. In Morocco, the director made sure to express how poor the families were by using the location to his advantage. Dirt roads, small houses,and the wide range of desert land. This differed heavily compared to the bright city lights, busy streets, large buildings, and condo styled home of Chieko in Tokyo. As far as makeup and costumes, in the scene where the Mexican caretaker was wondering in the desert, her once well put together red dress was shown tattered and her lips were chapped and brittle due to the blazing sun.Finally, props as well as the scene placement slowly allowed the audience to piece together a connection between the four groups. The earlier scene where the Mexican caretaker was on the phone with Richard was played back close to the end of the movie but instead of the camera showing Maria's pov it was shown from Richard's pov. The picture of Cheiko's dad and Hassan was used as a prop that connected the two together. Likewise, the picture that Richard showed Anwar (The guy that was helping Richard and Susan) connected Richard to his kids and Maria.
Mise-en-scene is a French expression that is used to describe the aspect of theatre, television, and film critics. Mise-en-scene meaning “placing on stage” to simply express what we see in a film. Basically, is everything that is put together to represent the overall look of a production. It expresses the different arrangements and elements we see on camera that contributes such as: makeup, costume, setting, and lighting. An example would be the television show Grown-Ish the setting is based on a college campus so that the viewers can relate and get a feel of what college is all about. Majority of the scenes are in the café, dorm room, or a Greek party the details of this setting helps us view more details about the context. Seeing people walking to and from there classes and dorm rooms to indicate what this episode/show is all about. Lighting plays a vital role in the way a film is produced so that we get the full look. An example would be pitch perfect the lighting they use in the movie is high key to minimize shadows while they are on stage performing. All in all Mise-en-scene ties the entire film together by the different aspects that each element brings.
ReplyDeleteMise en scène, is a term used to describe the setting of a scene in a play or a film. It refers to everything placed on the stage or in front of the camera, including people. Mise en scène translated from French, it means “placing on stage.” The setting of the store plays a major role in the film than theatre. The elements of mise-en-scene are setting, lighting, costume, and movement of figure. Settings play an important role in film more than theater. The various elements of design help express a film’s vision by generating a sense of time and space, as well as setting a mood, and sometimes suggesting a character’s state of mind.
ReplyDeleteAn example is the movie we seen in class of Hitchcock Psycho. The shower curtain that he used became important factor of the scene, instead of just an ordinary item in the bathroom. Another example from Psycho is when we met Marion Crane, in the arms of her lover, during the film’s opening moments. Although she is sleeping with a married man, Hitchcock chooses a color often associated with cleanliness, thus suggesting to the audience that, Marion is a good person. However, after she steals $40,000 dollars, Hitchcock shows her wearing a black bra that symbolizes her sin and provides a strong visual to this important change in her character. The film contains several scenes in which Hitchcock’s use of props and lighting are worthy of critical analysis.
Mise-en-Scene means to put into scene. There are four main aspects of mise-en-scene and they are setting, lighting, costume, and the behavior of the figures. A prop can be used to set the setting for a scene, they can become motifs depending on the object, shape, or color. An example of this was a clip shown in class, when the woman's yellow purse was used as a motif and the setting for the scene. Lighting helps to set the scene as well. Light or dark areas in a film can help guide the audiences attention to certain objects and actions. Costume and makeup helps with mise-en-scene by preforming specific functions and shows emphasize. Characters also add to the scene because of their visual elements such as appearances, gestures, and facial expressions.
ReplyDeleteFilmmakers have many choices when it comes to staging the action. They can use a person, an animal, or object to tell the story. They can give their actors a specific appearance or change their expressions. Voice effects can be used to help the scene. There are a lot of acting styles that can be used as well.
Mise-en-Scene means to put into the scene for the hope of getting the most out of the film . It is composed of four aspects which are setting, lighting, costume, and behavior of figures. In class we watch scenes from the movie "Marnie" by Alfred Hitchcock. In the clip the main focus was about this lady's yellow purse. They used lighting and setting in various ways to make you only pay attention to the purse and nothing else.
ReplyDelete-Lauren Wood
Darrell Emerson:
ReplyDeleteMise-en-scene is a French expression that means "putting into scene". It consist of four aspects, which are lighting, costumes, beavior of figures, and settings. It's very important because that's what the audience is going to pay the most attention to. Mise-en-scene is basically used to create the mood for the film / play. It's main goal is to draw the audience's attention more into the film / play.
Props play an important part in a film / play. For instance, take a young boy for example. If he is on his way to school, the props needed would be a bookbag,lunchbox,and a school uniform possibly. Without those props, the audience may not know what's even happening in the film / play. The lighting plays an important role in a field / play as well because it helps set the mood for the scenes. For example, in the film, Babel, the lighting would set the mood for the different situations.